Measurements of SAXS signal during TATB detonation using Synchrotron radiation K.A. Ten 1, V.M. Titov 1, E.R. Pruuel 1, I.L. Zhogin 2, L.A. Luk’yanchikov.


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Presentation transcript:

Measurements of SAXS signal during TATB detonation using Synchrotron radiation K.A. Ten 1, V.M. Titov 1, E.R. Pruuel 1, I.L. Zhogin 2, L.A. Luk’yanchikov 1, B.P. Tolochko 2, Yu.A. Aminov 3, V.P. Filin 3, B.G. Loboyko 3, A.K. Muzyrya 3, E.B. Smirnov 3 1 Lavrentiev Institute of Hydrodynamics, Novosibirsk, Russia 2 Institute of Solid State Chemistry and Mechanochemistry, Novosibirsk, Russia 3 RF-NC VNIITF, Snezhinsk, Russia XIV International Detonation Symposium, April 11-16, 2010, Coeur d`Alene, Idaho

The problem of carbon condensation at detonation of oxygen-deficient high explosives is still open to question. It is important both for understanding the physics aspect of the phenomenon and for evaluation of the amount of energy released at exothermic coagulation of carbon clusters. According to literature data on comparison of computational and experimental data on acceleration of very thin metal plates by products of detonation of oxygen- deficient high explosives, such process is described with a better accuracy under an assumption of carbon condensation behind the chemical reaction zone, or as is the convention in the detonation theory, behind the Chapman-Jouget plane, which separates the reaction zone from the gas-dynamic flow of the explosion products [1,2]. For the time being, sizes of condensed carbon nano-particles at explosion of high explosives can be experimentally registered only through diffraction methods using synchrotron radiation (SR) [3]. 1. J. A. Viecelli, F. H. Ree. Carbon particle phase transformation kinetics in detonation waves.//Journal of Applied Physics, Vol 88, Num 2, 2000, p 683— K.F.Grebenkin, M.V.Taranik, A.L.Zherebtsov. Slow energy release in detonation products of HMX-based explosives: computer modeling and experimental effects.// Zababakhin scientific talks, International Conference, Snezhinsk, Russia, September, 2007, p V.M.Titov, B.P.Tolochko, K.A.Ten, L.A.Lukyanchikov, E.R.Pruuel. Where and when are nanodiamonds formed under explosion ? //Diamond & Related Materials. V.16, Issue 12, P Introduction. XIV International Detonation Symposium, April 11-16, 2010, Coeur d`Alene, Idaho

Acquisition of experimental information on the time history of condensed carbon nano-particles at detonation of oxygen-deficient high explosives. Problem Methods Dynamical recording of small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) of synchrotron radiation from the VEPP-3 accelerator. Application of highly-periodic synchrotron radiation (SR) from the accelerator complex VEPP-3 to measuring SAXS with exhibition for 1 ns allows tracing development of the signal in the course of detonation of high explosives. Cylindrical samples of 15 mm (TNT and TNT/RDX) and 20 mm (TABT (1,3,5- triamino-2,4,6-trinitrobenzol, standard ) and PCT (TABT-based plasticized compound, standard )) in diameter were under study. Samples XIV International Detonation Symposium, April 11-16, 2010, Coeur d`Alene, Idaho

wiggler SR VEPP-3 Explosion chamber Transmitted beam detector detonation front Electron bunches detonation products SAXS detector explosive beryllium windows Pulse period – 250 ns, frame time - 1 ns 4 Setup of explosion experiment at VEPP-3 XIV International Detonation Symposium, April 11-16, 2010, Coeur d`Alene, Idaho

Acceleration complex VEPP-3 - VEPP-4 is the basis of the detonation experiments 4. Detector KEDR ROKK-1M XIV International Detonation Symposium, April 11-16, 2010, Coeur d`Alene, Idaho

View of an explosion lens with a primary charge near it. Experimental assemblies General view of an experimental assembly. XIV International Detonation Symposium, April 11-16, 2010, Coeur d`Alene, Idaho

Small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) measurements at detonation of HE is the scattering angle, XIV International Detonation Symposium, April 11-16, 2010, Coeur d`Alene, Idaho

SAXS signal versus the scattering particle diameter in TNT. The calculations were performed subject to the VEPP-3 spectrum and spectral sensitivity of the DIMEX detector. The angle is given in the numbers of the detector channels. Small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) measurements at detonation of HE XIV International Detonation Symposium, April 11-16, 2010, Coeur d`Alene, Idaho

Dependence of the form-factor on the size of the scattering spheres. Small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) measurements at detonation of HE XIV International Detonation Symposium, April 11-16, 2010, Coeur d`Alene, Idaho

Computed angular dependence of SAXS on the TNT charge thickness. The calculations were performed subject to the VEPP-3 spectrum and spectral sensitivity of the DIMEX detector. The angle is given in the numbers of the detector channels.. Contrast influence XIV International Detonation Symposium, April 11-16, 2010, Coeur d`Alene, Idaho

The yellow arrow denotes the incident SR beam; the violet cone designates the X- ray scattering on carbon nano-particles. Detonation products Sample of HE SR detector DIMEX SAXS Small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) measurements at detonation of HE XIV International Detonation Symposium, April 11-16, 2010, Coeur d`Alene, Idaho

rad Rad, Dmax = π/qmin = λ/(4θmin) = ~ 75 nm. Dmin = π /q max = λ/(4θmax) ≈ 2,0 nm, SAXS distributions at detector tuning. D is for SR beam closure by blade K3, B is for SAXS from the sham, C is for position of the borderline of the SR beam (passed radiation). The angle is given in the numbers of the detector channels. Small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) measurements at detonation of HE XIV International Detonation Symposium, April 11-16, 2010, Coeur d`Alene, Idaho

The angular dependencies of SAXS signal at detonation of a ТATB sample. Different colors show frames recorded with an interval of 0.5 μsec. Frame Q corresponds to the detonation front. The angle is given in the numbers of the detector channels.. Small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) measurements at detonation of HE. XIV International Detonation Symposium, April 11-16, 2010, Coeur d`Alene, Idaho

The angular dependencies of SAXS signal at detonation of ТNT. Small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) measurements at detonation of HE XIV International Detonation Symposium, April 11-16, 2010, Coeur d`Alene, Idaho

Determination of nano-particle sizes by the Guinier formula θ = h 10-4 SAXS distribution behind the detonation front in TATB with an interval of 0.5 μsec. The red line (by the Guinier formula) corresponds to the particle size D nm.

Determination of nano-particle sizes by the Guinier formula Nano-particle size versus time at trotyl/hexogen (50/50) detonation. XIV International Detonation Symposium, April 11-16, 2010, Coeur d`Alene, Idaho

Determination of nano-particle sizes by the Guinier formula Nano-particle size versus time at TABT detonation. XIV International Detonation Symposium, April 11-16, 2010, Coeur d`Alene, Idaho

Measurement of small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) on nano-particles Dependence of integral SAXS signal on time at detonation of trotyl/hexogen (50/50), TNT, and TABT XIV International Detonation Symposium, April 11-16, 2010, Coeur d`Alene, Idaho

The measured SAXS distributions show that nano-particles of d~2.5 nm are registered immediately after the detonation front. Then the particle size is increasing weakly and reaches d  4-5 nm by the moment t=3 μs, in TNT/RDX. In TNT and TATB charges, the growth of particles is slower: by the same time, their size is d  2.5 nm for TATB and d  4 nm for TNT. Thus no traces of nano-diamonds were registered at detonation of TABT samples of 20 mm in diameter. Even if there are such nano-diamonds, their size does not exceed 1 nm. The arising graphite-like particles are of d  2.6 nm. Conclusions Measurement of small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) on nano-particles XIV International Detonation Symposium, April 11-16, 2010, Coeur d`Alene, Idaho

Thank you for your attention! Благодарю за внимание! XIV International Detonation Symposium, April 11-16, 2010, Coeur d`Alene, Idaho

Measurement of small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) on nano-particles XIV International Detonation Symposium, April 11-16, 2010, Coeur d`Alene, Idaho

Determination of nano-particle sizes from the Guinier formula Nano-particle size versus time at PCT detonation. XIV International Detonation Symposium, April 11-16, 2010, Coeur d`Alene, Idaho