Ministering to the Whole Person C hristian W omen’s J ob C orps & C hristian M en’s J ob C orps
Christian Women’s Job Corps ® (CWJC ® ) and Christian Men’s Job Corps ® (CMJC SM ) exist to provide a Christian context in which women and men in need are equipped for life and employment; and a missions context in which women help women and men help men. M ission Statement
Ministering to the Whole Person... CWJC and CMJC minister to the whole person. In order to carry out God’s command to love Him with our whole hearts, our hearts must indeed be whole. CWJC and CMJC minister holistically, engaging the heart, the mind, the soul, and the body on a path to health and wholeness.
* Bible study (Heart) *Mentor relationships (Soul) *Free job skills classes (Mind) *Health and nutrition tips (Body) Learning the of CWJC and CMJC
Bible Study (Heart) “I gave my life to Jesus one day in class. These people showed me what love really is and Who God really is. I joined the church last week, and I am going to be baptized soon.” “I went from being a drug addict to being a CHRISTIAN—wow.” –CWJC participant–
Mentor Relationships (Soul) In CWJC and CMJC each participant is paired with a mentor to accompany the journey to wholeness. These relationships are often reciprocal in nature, as mentors receive a blessing from the experience as well.
Mentor Relationships (Soul) “What a blessing CWJC is for me! It has given me the opportunity to make an investment in the life of another woman. I am planting seeds of hope that will help her see what is good in her and inspire her to see what she can become. Nothing I have ever done has given me so much satisfaction.”— CWJC Mentor
Job Skills Classes (Mind) CWJC and CMJC participants learn how to use computers, how to dress for job interviews, as well as other essentials that enable them to begin a vocation. Some participants have even gone on to receive an associate’s or bachelor’s degree from a college or university.
Health and Nutrition Tips (Body) Because so many of our participants have small children, education about nutrition and health is essential for both parent and child. This enables participants to be fit as possible to hold jobs which support their families.
Ministering to the Whole Person... Works The Dove Award is the highest honor given to a CWJC graduate. It recognizes the outstanding achievement of a woman who has completed the program and is giving back to the community.
2006 Dove Award Recipient Patrice Oats “I knew I needed to make some changes in my life.” Patrice Oats needed job skills. She needed academic development. And, she needed a Savior. When Patrice walked through the doors at Christian Women’s Job Corps (CWJC), she found all that and more.
Ministering to the Whole Person Through CWJC and CMJC Sites...
Site Award Winners CWJC Site Awards recognize individual CWJC sites that are making an impact. Awards are given each year that provide supplies to sites which help them function more effectively Site Award Winners: ●CWJC of Bethel Baptist Association (Hannibal, MO) ●Metro Columbus CWJC (Columbus, OH)
Ministering to the Whole Person... Internationally CWJC and CMJC are taking steps to broaden its scope. CWJC coordinators have performed training in: ●Moldova (In conjunction with WMU’s International Initiatives partnership, which focuses on human trafficking) ●Liberia ●Mexico
How You Can Help Minister to the Whole Person *CWJC Graduation
Jean Cullen, missions involvement specialist, Woman’s Missionary Union® “For me, giving back is the essence of CWJC and CMJC. Giving back means that we, as a body of believers, invest in other CWJC and CMJC sites across the country. It means that we teach CWJC and CMJC participants about giving back by modeling it ourselves. And it means, that we, as the body of Christ, support each other.”
CWJC registered or certified over 167 CWJC and CMJC sites. In 2005, CWJC/CMJC served 2,271 participants. CWJC/CMJC used over 13,000 volunteers. Ministering to the Whole Person Means Results
Ministering to the Whole Person... Is in Your Hands
We challenge you to minister to the whole person by donating one of the following: $10 $20 $50
Giving Options CWJC Endowment: Supports individual sites as they provide materials and serve participants. Site winners are chosen each year. Sybil Bentley Dove Endowment: Benefits women like Patrice Oats who are rebuilding their lives through education or the acquisition of new skills. *Both endowments are held by the WMU Foundation.
Send Your Generous Gift of $10, $20, or $50 To: WMU Foundation (Specify CWJC Endowment or Dove Endowment) 100 Missionary Ridge Birmingham, AL 35242