Logoff (UserSession) Suspend System Hiberfile Write Shutdown Apps Service Notifications Service Notifications Suspend Services Suspend Devices Hiberfile Write Query Devices Query Devices
Training Runs 6 Reboots6 Reboots Process Idle TasksProcess Idle Tasks Allow OS to fully train itselfAllow OS to fully train itself Timing Runs 3 Reboots3 Reboots Captures timing tracesCaptures timing traces Viewable as iterationsViewable as iterations Analysis Runs 2 Reboots2 Reboots Capture analysis tracesCapture analysis traces CPU and IOCPU and IO Results Aggregation Metrics and Issues are aggregated into final results fileMetrics and Issues are aggregated into final results file
HW-147T Building high quality Windows PCs using the assessment and deployment kit HW-148P Scaling and extending Windows assessments to improve system quality: Parts 1 and 2 HW-59T Improving performance with the Windows Performance Toolkit HW-61H Experiencing the assessment tools in Windows 8 RELATED SESSIONS HW-915P Introduction to assessments HW-149P Improving battery life and energy efficiency HW-920P Introduction to the streaming assessment