Rights and responsibilities of people In the European Union
Citizens' rights in Europe Right of free movement and residence within Member States of the Union Every citizen of the Union has the right to move and freely reside in the territory of the Member States, but "the limits and conditions laid down in this Treaty and measures adopted for its implementation, ie this right is guaranteed unconditionally. Right of free movement and residence within Member States of the Union Every citizen of the Union has the right to move and freely reside in the territory of the Member States, but "the limits and conditions laid down in this Treaty and measures adopted for its implementation, ie this right is guaranteed unconditionally.
Active and passive suffrage Unlike the right of free movement and residence within the EU, which is primarily economic dimension, the electoral law for European citizens have a political dimension. It includes two options: Unlike the right of free movement and residence within the EU, which is primarily economic dimension, the electoral law for European citizens have a political dimension. It includes two options: - European citizen can participate in local elections in the Member State (to elect and be elected), which resides without one of its nationals, and that "under the same conditions as nationals of that State; - European citizen can participate in local elections in the Member State (to elect and be elected), which resides without one of its nationals, and that "under the same conditions as nationals of that State;
Active and passive suffrage - European citizen can participate in European elections (to elect and be elected) in the Member State in which they reside without being of its nationals, again under the same conditions under which participate in European elections and the citizens of specific Member State - European citizen can participate in European elections (to elect and be elected) in the Member State in which they reside without being of its nationals, again under the same conditions under which participate in European elections and the citizens of specific Member State
Right to diplomatic and consular protection EU citizens enjoy diplomatic and consular protection of the authorities of a Member State of which they are nationals, provided that their country is not represented in a third country. This rule again is exercised under the same conditions enjoyed by nationals of the Member State whose diplomatic or consular protection is sought. EU citizens enjoy diplomatic and consular protection of the authorities of a Member State of which they are nationals, provided that their country is not represented in a third country. This rule again is exercised under the same conditions enjoyed by nationals of the Member State whose diplomatic or consular protection is sought.
Right of petition and of referral to the Ombudsman Every citizen of the Union has the right to petition the European Parliament (EP) and refer to the Ombudsman, provides the revised EC Treaty. Every citizen of the Union has the right to petition the European Parliament (EP) and refer to the Ombudsman, provides the revised EC Treaty. The right to petition the EP exist before the amendments of the EC Treaty, by which time it is arranged in the internal regulations of the European Parliament. The exercise of this right, however, is conditional upon the existence of "vested interest" to petition in the present European citizen.
Right of petition and of referral to the Ombudsman The Ombudsman is appointed by Parliament authority competent to receive complaints from any citizen of the Union or any natural or legal person with permanent residence or seat in any Member State concerning instances of maladministration in the activities of the institutions or bodies Community, with the exception of the Court of First Instance acting in their judicial functions. The Ombudsman is appointed by Parliament authority competent to receive complaints from any citizen of the Union or any natural or legal person with permanent residence or seat in any Member State concerning instances of maladministration in the activities of the institutions or bodies Community, with the exception of the Court of First Instance acting in their judicial functions.
Right of petition and of referral to the Ombudsman In accordance with its duties, the Ombudsman shall conduct inquiries for which he finds grounds, or on its own initiative or on the basis of complaints submitted to him direct or through a member of the European Parliament, except where the alleged facts are or were the subject of legal proceedings. Where the Ombudsman establishes an instance of maladministration, he shall refer the matter to the institution, which has a period of three months to submit its observations. The Ombudsman shall then forward a report to Parliament and to the institution, provides revision of Maastricht. In accordance with its duties, the Ombudsman shall conduct inquiries for which he finds grounds, or on its own initiative or on the basis of complaints submitted to him direct or through a member of the European Parliament, except where the alleged facts are or were the subject of legal proceedings. Where the Ombudsman establishes an instance of maladministration, he shall refer the matter to the institution, which has a period of three months to submit its observations. The Ombudsman shall then forward a report to Parliament and to the institution, provides revision of Maastricht.
What is the Ombudsman? The Ombudsman is an advocate for the rights of people and the guardian of public interest. He is a senior and independent constitutional body, elected by the National Assembly for five years.The Ombudsman is independent in its activities and is subject only to the Constitution, laws and international treaties ratified and entered into force for Bulgaria. The Ombudsman is an advocate for the rights of people and the guardian of public interest. He is a senior and independent constitutional body, elected by the National Assembly for five years.The Ombudsman is independent in its activities and is subject only to the Constitution, laws and international treaties ratified and entered into force for Bulgaria.
Bulgarian Ombudsman Konstantin Pentchev oath in parliament as Ombudsman of Bulgaria. Last week the Supreme Judicial Council unanimously adopted his resignation as chairman of the Supreme Administrative Court, after the secret ballot on October 7, lawmakers elected him the public defender with 137 votes. More Info SJC accepted the resignation of Konstantin Pentchev Control and blue chosen Ombudsman - Konstantin Pentchev. Konstantin Pentchev oath in parliament as Ombudsman of Bulgaria. Last week the Supreme Judicial Council unanimously adopted his resignation as chairman of the Supreme Administrative Court, after the secret ballot on October 7, lawmakers elected him the public defender with 137 votes. More Info SJC accepted the resignation of Konstantin Pentchev Control and blue chosen Ombudsman - Konstantin Pentchev.
Bulgarian Ombudsman "Whether it will protect all citizens equally? not there. There are so called. vulnerable citizens who will defend more vigorously, " he vowed then and said that among them are the children in orphanages. Penchev was proposed for the ombudsman of PG GERD and inherits the position Ginyo Ganev, whose term expired in April this year. Konstantin Pentchev was born on in Sofia. He graduated from Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski "- Faculty, in 1976, has specialized in the competition - France. "Whether it will protect all citizens equally? not there. There are so called. vulnerable citizens who will defend more vigorously, " he vowed then and said that among them are the children in orphanages. Penchev was proposed for the ombudsman of PG GERD and inherits the position Ginyo Ganev, whose term expired in April this year. Konstantin Pentchev was born on in Sofia. He graduated from Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski "- Faculty, in 1976, has specialized in the competition - France.
Citizenship of the European Union Citizenship of the European Union is the legal status of citizens of the countries - members of the European Union. European citizenship does not remove national citizenship of individual states, but complements it with a set of additional rights. European citizenship was established by the Maastricht Treaty, signed in 1992 in the preamble of the Contract member states, said they were "determined to create a common citizenship for nationals of their countries, whose aim is" to strengthen the protection the rights and interests of citizens of Member States. Citizenship of the European Union is the legal status of citizens of the countries - members of the European Union. European citizenship does not remove national citizenship of individual states, but complements it with a set of additional rights. European citizenship was established by the Maastricht Treaty, signed in 1992 in the preamble of the Contract member states, said they were "determined to create a common citizenship for nationals of their countries, whose aim is" to strengthen the protection the rights and interests of citizens of Member States.
Citizenship of the European Union The introduction of citizenship of the Union shows the willingness of member states to establish a direct political link between the EU and the specific individual to contribute to more active participation in socio-economic and political life in the Member State in which it resides, without be its nationals. However, EU citizenship is one of the peculiarities of the European Union, the Union away from the classical concept of international organization. The introduction of citizenship of the Union shows the willingness of member states to establish a direct political link between the EU and the specific individual to contribute to more active participation in socio-economic and political life in the Member State in which it resides, without be its nationals. However, EU citizenship is one of the peculiarities of the European Union, the Union away from the classical concept of international organization.
Who is a European citizen? The very rules of citizenship contained in Part II of the Treaty on European Union - TFEU (formerly the European Community Treaty-TEC) and many other documents. "Article 20 (Ex Article 17 TEC) 1. A citizenship of the Union. Any person holding the nationality of a Member State is a citizen of the Union. Citizenship of the Union shall be additional to and not replace national citizenship. Any person holding the nationality of a Member State is a citizen of the Union. " The very rules of citizenship contained in Part II of the Treaty on European Union - TFEU (formerly the European Community Treaty-TEC) and many other documents. "Article 20 (Ex Article 17 TEC) 1. A citizenship of the Union. Any person holding the nationality of a Member State is a citizen of the Union. Citizenship of the Union shall be additional to and not replace national citizenship. Any person holding the nationality of a Member State is a citizen of the Union. "
Who is a European citizen? As formulated definition of EU citizenship gives reason to conclude that the acquisition of citizenship is impossible without prior possession or acquisition of national citizenship of a State - State. Thus, according to private contracts and indivisible status of citizen of the countries closely - State of the EU, leads to a de facto situation in which he became subject to the rights and obligations inherent in the EU, which are protected not only within the Union but also beyond. Possession of national citizenship of a country - State of the Union is absolutely required condition for acquiring citizenship of the Union. As formulated definition of EU citizenship gives reason to conclude that the acquisition of citizenship is impossible without prior possession or acquisition of national citizenship of a State - State. Thus, according to private contracts and indivisible status of citizen of the countries closely - State of the EU, leads to a de facto situation in which he became subject to the rights and obligations inherent in the EU, which are protected not only within the Union but also beyond. Possession of national citizenship of a country - State of the Union is absolutely required condition for acquiring citizenship of the Union.
Who is a European citizen? The reverse situation is impossible - Union citizenship can not be used to acquire citizenship of another Member State other than the Member State whose nationality the person concerned. However, the Treaty of Rome does not detract law departments countries - members of the Union to set their own conditions for acquisition and loss of national citizenship. The reverse situation is impossible - Union citizenship can not be used to acquire citizenship of another Member State other than the Member State whose nationality the person concerned. However, the Treaty of Rome does not detract law departments countries - members of the Union to set their own conditions for acquisition and loss of national citizenship.
Content of the citizenship At this stage the rules of the status of EU citizen is not exhaustive, but represents a series of rights. In the concept of EU citizenship primarily oboboshtavat individual rights without being able to clearly outline a single, common and consistent kontseptsiya.Za now there is no clearly defined duties arising from citizenship: no binding European military or civilian service, not even European tax. Passports of all Member States have the same format - their color is burgundy and the cover are printed the names and the EU and the Member. At this stage the rules of the status of EU citizen is not exhaustive, but represents a series of rights. In the concept of EU citizenship primarily oboboshtavat individual rights without being able to clearly outline a single, common and consistent kontseptsiya.Za now there is no clearly defined duties arising from citizenship: no binding European military or civilian service, not even European tax. Passports of all Member States have the same format - their color is burgundy and the cover are printed the names and the EU and the Member.
Content of the citizenship Fundamental rights and duties of citizens are determined by the requirements of national citizenship and European institutions are committed to respect them, respect and guarantee. Additional European citizenship is also the source of some additional rights that are unique and only citizens are similar. However, according to the Charter of Fundamental Rights "exercise of those rights imposes responsibilities and obligations." Rights of European citizens. Fundamental rights and duties of citizens are determined by the requirements of national citizenship and European institutions are committed to respect them, respect and guarantee. Additional European citizenship is also the source of some additional rights that are unique and only citizens are similar. However, according to the Charter of Fundamental Rights "exercise of those rights imposes responsibilities and obligations." Rights of European citizens.
Content of the citizenship Rights which are the contents of the Institute of European citizenship and provide the citizens of the countries - members of the Union are listed in Part II - Non-discrimination and citizenship of the Union, the Treaty on European Union Rights which are the contents of the Institute of European citizenship and provide the citizens of the countries - members of the Union are listed in Part II - Non-discrimination and citizenship of the Union, the Treaty on European Union "Article 20 (Ex Article 17 TEC) 2. Citizens of the Union shall enjoy the rights and obligations are laid down by the Treaties. They have, inter alia: "Article 20 (Ex Article 17 TEC) 2. Citizens of the Union shall enjoy the rights and obligations are laid down by the Treaties. They have, inter alia:
Content of the citizenship a) the right to move and reside freely within the territory of the Member States; b) the right to vote and stand as candidates in European elections and in municipal elections in the Member State in which they reside under the same conditions as nationals of that State; c) the right to enjoy, in a third country in which the Member State in which they are nationals is not represented, the protection of diplomatic and consular authorities of any Member State under the same conditions as nationals of that State ; a) the right to move and reside freely within the territory of the Member States; b) the right to vote and stand as candidates in European elections and in municipal elections in the Member State in which they reside under the same conditions as nationals of that State; c) the right to enjoy, in a third country in which the Member State in which they are nationals is not represented, the protection of diplomatic and consular authorities of any Member State under the same conditions as nationals of that State ;
Content of the citizenship d) the right to petition the European Parliament, complain to the Ombudsman and the right to address the institutions and advisory bodies of the Union in any of the Treaty languages and to receive a reply in that language. These rights are exercised within the conditions and limits set by the Treaties and of measures adopted thereunder. d) the right to petition the European Parliament, complain to the Ombudsman and the right to address the institutions and advisory bodies of the Union in any of the Treaty languages and to receive a reply in that language. These rights are exercised within the conditions and limits set by the Treaties and of measures adopted thereunder. citizenship
Right to free movement within the Union Art. 21. of TFEU (ex art. 18 TEC) p.1 guarantees the right of free movement of EU citizens and residence in the territory of the Member - States of the Union. This right is not unconditional, and shall be subject to the limitations and conditions laid down in EC law. These restrictions are contained in both provisions ostanalaite parts of the Treaty and the instruments for its implementation. In practice, this right can not benefit European citizens who have no means of self-tritoriyata of the host State. With the limited right of free movement within the union are also European citizens who can not be admitted in the territory of other member countries for reasons concerning public security, public order and public health. Art. 21. of TFEU (ex art. 18 TEC) p.1 guarantees the right of free movement of EU citizens and residence in the territory of the Member - States of the Union. This right is not unconditional, and shall be subject to the limitations and conditions laid down in EC law. These restrictions are contained in both provisions ostanalaite parts of the Treaty and the instruments for its implementation. In practice, this right can not benefit European citizens who have no means of self-tritoriyata of the host State. With the limited right of free movement within the union are also European citizens who can not be admitted in the territory of other member countries for reasons concerning public security, public order and public health.
Right to free movement within the Union Practically this right in completeness can only benefit those working in other member countries, tourists or material insured who can live abroad without having to work. Union citizens have a right of residence in another Member State for up to three months without any conditions or formalities other than the requirement to hold a valid identity card or passport. For periods of residence longer than three months, the host Member State may require Union citizens to register with the relevant authorities. Practically this right in completeness can only benefit those working in other member countries, tourists or material insured who can live abroad without having to work. Union citizens have a right of residence in another Member State for up to three months without any conditions or formalities other than the requirement to hold a valid identity card or passport. For periods of residence longer than three months, the host Member State may require Union citizens to register with the relevant authorities.
Active and passive suffrage Article 22 of TFEU (ex art. 19 TEC) provides that every Union citizen who lives in the territory of a Member State of which he is not a citizen has the right to elect and be elected in local elections in the Member State the territory of which reside under the same conditions as nationals of that State. (Item 1) or to elect and be elected to the European Parliament elections in the Member State where he resides under the same conditions as nationals of that State. (P.2). Article 22 of TFEU (ex art. 19 TEC) provides that every Union citizen who lives in the territory of a Member State of which he is not a citizen has the right to elect and be elected in local elections in the Member State the territory of which reside under the same conditions as nationals of that State. (Item 1) or to elect and be elected to the European Parliament elections in the Member State where he resides under the same conditions as nationals of that State. (P.2).
Active and passive suffrage Active and passive electoral rights of EU citizens in these elections are not absolutely unconditionally. They may also be limited where this is necessary because country- specific State issues. Moreover, the conditions for participation in the elections are determined by internal law of the darvazhava State in whose territory they are conducted, but under the conditions of Council Directive of 1995 which provides that individual countries alone determine the length of residence in its territory so that the specific EU citizen who is not its nationals to participate in those elections. Right to diplomatic protection outside the EU. Active and passive electoral rights of EU citizens in these elections are not absolutely unconditionally. They may also be limited where this is necessary because country- specific State issues. Moreover, the conditions for participation in the elections are determined by internal law of the darvazhava State in whose territory they are conducted, but under the conditions of Council Directive of 1995 which provides that individual countries alone determine the length of residence in its territory so that the specific EU citizen who is not its nationals to participate in those elections. Right to diplomatic protection outside the EU.
Active and passive suffrage Art. 23 TFEU (ex art. 20 TEC) postanoyava that EU citizens within the territory of a third country in which the Member State of the Union of which they are citizens, no diplomatic or consular representation, are entitled to diplomatic or consular authorities of zhashtita other hand - an EU member state which has diplomatic representation in the third party. When the national state of the EU citizen has representation in the third strna it art. 22 does not apply. Right to petition the European Parliament. Art. 23 TFEU (ex art. 20 TEC) postanoyava that EU citizens within the territory of a third country in which the Member State of the Union of which they are citizens, no diplomatic or consular representation, are entitled to diplomatic or consular authorities of zhashtita other hand - an EU member state which has diplomatic representation in the third party. When the national state of the EU citizen has representation in the third strna it art. 22 does not apply. Right to petition the European Parliament.