Landscape-level (Eddy Covariance) Measurement of CO 2 and Other Fluxes Measuring Components of Solar Radiation Close-up of Eddy Covariance Flux Sensors Tower Flux Measurement and Analysis Verma/IndoFlux/IndoFlux_July 2006
Outline Background information/ methodology Flux magnitudes: seasonal/ interannual variations Controlling variables Comments
Objectives Quantify CO 2 exchange in major ecosystems: seasonal and interannual variability Improve our basic understanding of biophysical processes that govern CO 2 exchange in these ecosystems Test and improve terrestrial biosphere models of CO 2, water, and energy exchange
Landscape Level Carbon Dioxide Flux (uptake and release) Plant photosynthesis Above ground productivity Root and rhizosphere respiration Partitioning of Carbon in Agroecosystems Soil respiration Plant respiration Microbial respiration Root exudates Root productivity Organic matter decomposition
Methodology: Eddy Covariance Fluxes of CO 2, Water Vapor, and Energy: Continuous Measurements Long-term Ecosystem scale/landscape level
Mead, Nebraska
Primary Measurements -Fluxes of CO 2, water vapor, sensible heat & momentum -Mean wind speed, air temperature, humidity and CO 2 concentration -Wind direction -Soil heat flux & soil temperature -Radiation: Net radiation Short wave radiation (incoming & reflected) PAR (incoming & reflected) -Light interception -Atmospheric pressure -Precipitation Supporting Measurements -Soil moisture -Leaf area index, canopy height, biomass -Leaf nitrogen content Measurements Data Submission
Tower Eddy Covariance CO 2 Flux Measurements: Net Ecosystem Exchange (NEE) Mead, Nebraska
Daytime CO 2 Uptake and Night Emissions Ecosystem Peak daytime CO 2 uptake (mg m -2 s -1 ) Peak night CO 2 emission (mg m -2 s -1 ) Leaf Area Index (LAI) Irrigated maize2.8 – – – 6.0 Rainfed maize – Irrigated soybean Rainfed soybean Grassland (tallgrass prairie) – Temperate forest –
Re day = NEE night * Q 10 (T a,day - T a,night )/10 GPP = NEE - Re Ecosystem Respiration (Re) and Gross Primary Productivity (GPP)
Annually Integrated NEE (g C m -2 y -1 ) Maize, NE300 to 500 (Verma et al., 2005) Harvard Forest, MA200 (Barford et al., 2003) Howland Forest, ME174 (Hollinger et al., 2004) Univ. of Michigan Biological St80 to 170 (Schmid et al., 2003) Wind River, WA-50 to 200 (Pers. Comm.) Douglas Fir, B.C.270 to 420 (Morgenstern et al., 2004) Tallgrass Prairie, OK50 to 275 (Suyker et al., 2003) Northern Temperate Grassland, Alberta -18 to 20 (Flanagan et al., 2002) Mediterranean, Annual Grassland, CA -30 to 130 (Xu and Baldocchi, 2003) Soybean, NE-10 to -75 (Verma et al., 2005)
Incoming PAR ( mol m -2 s ) NEE (mg m -2 s ) June 13-19: V6-V7: 0.4<LAI<1.3 July 4-10: V11-V12: 4.4<LAI<5.6 July 18-24: V19-VT: 6.2<LAI<6.3 Aug 29-Sept 4: R5: 3.7<LAI<4.3 Daytime CO 2 Flux Irrigated Maize
Night CO 2 Flux
Tallgrass Prairie, Manhattan, KS, 1987
Energy Partitioning Daytime
Energy Partitioning Shidler, Oklahoma
Tallgrass Prairie, Manhattan, KS, 1987
Checks and Balances Data Quality Control –Foken and Wichura, 1996, Agric. For. Meteorol., 78, –Aubinet et al., 2000, Advances in Ecol. Res., 30, Energy Budget Closure: LE + H vs. Rn + G NEE – Biomass Relationship
Day Night NEE day NEE night RgRg RrRr RcRc Daily net gain of CO 2 by crop RgRg RrRr RcRc Gain of CO 2 by crop during day = NEE day – R g day DD DD = Net canopy photosynthesis in 24 hours = ( NEE day + NEE night ) – ( R g day + R g night ) D NN = Daily NEE + Daily R g Loss of CO 2 by crop at night =R c + R r = NEE night – R g night NN NN NN DD NN = ( NEE day – R g day ) + ( NEE night – R g night ) DD DD NN NN NN R c + R r + R g = NEE night (Biscoe et al; J. Applied Ecology, 12, ) NEE-Biomass Relationship
Daily net gain of CO 2 by crop = Daily NEE + Daily R g (Biscoe et al., 1975, J. Applied Ecology, 12, ) NEE = Net ecosystem CO 2 exchange R g = Respiration by soil organisms
Estimating Microbial Respiration (R g ) Soil surface CO 2 flux measurements (F s ) –Two different kinds of chambers: Model LI-6200, Li-Cor, Lincoln, NE Hutchinson & Mosier (1981) type chamber –Used data from field measurements of maize soil respiration in root excluded and non-root excluded soil to estimate R g Night NEE data –Adjusted for plant respiration based on leaf gas exchange measurements –Adjusted for night/day temperatures –Applied measurements of root-excluded vs. non-root excluded soil to estimate R g as mentioned above
Challenges Insufficient mixing at night Filling in data gaps Complex terrain
N 2 O and CH 4 Fluxes