Topic: Solar Cell Angle Objective: ▫ Explore the effect that solar cell angle has on power generation. Summary: Students use a solar cell and multimeter to determine the best angle to position the solar panel by taking measurements at varying angles. Instructor Information
Topic: Solar Cell Angle Methodology: ▫ Experimental setup – variation of solar panel angle, data collection and analysis Differentiation: Apparatus setup can be pre-assembled and fewer data points required to be taken. Instructor Information
Solar Cell Angle
PV Cell Angle Efficiency INQUIRY What is the best angle and orientation at which to install the PV panel so you can get the most efficient use of the sun’s energy over the course of the year at your specific location? “A New Angle on PV Efficiency” 4
Experimental Set-Up ▫ Step 1: Go to your station with your lab mates ▫ Step 2: Support your solar panel (using cardboard pieces and tape) See Fig. 1 ▫ Step 3: Connect the + and – pins to the mulitimeter and to the the PV panel ▫ Step 4: Turn multimeter on (make sure it is on DC and measuring in mA) and place the panel 1-2 feet directly under the lamp. ▫ Step 5: Point the PV panel directly at the lamp and tape the base to the table to prevent movement. 5 A New Angle on PV Efficiency INQUIRY
Experimental Set-Up ▫ Step 6: Lay the panel completely flat and record the current for this angle (0º) on your worksheet. ▫ Step 7: Make sure your protractor is centered at the front edge of the PV panel EACH TIME YOU MEASURE for accurate data. ▫ Step 8: Repeat the procedure in STEP 6 with varying increments by 10º and continue to record data on your worksheet. Graph results! 6 A New Angle on PV Efficiency INQUIRY