Become Electrically Self Sustaining Produce enough power to return the excess back to the electrical grid Help Protect the Environment Combat the Rising Cost of Power Introduction of New Printer and Printing Processes Deployment of Low Powered Thin Clients to Minimalize Power Requirements Incorporate Solar Panels to Generate Power and Storage Cells to Hold October 2012
This company intends to lead the way in becoming self sustainable Having a Negative Carbon Footprint Benefiting the Environment To go forward in todays markets a company must take a positive and proactive approach
The Way There Energy efficiency and network stability is one step to self sustainability This involves the deployment of new process and equipment Producing our own electricity and becoming self sustaining in our power requirements
The Plan Centralise the network with a thin client, server based architecture New printing processes and the procurement of a better suited business printer Server upgrade. This enables a better management option for the network as well as offering security for the users and data Power efficient and monitoring devices to be installed to minimise power usage
The New Network The Server – Manages the network and has all the required business software installed on it. It also securely stores all the users data. The Thin Clients – These are the workstations for each user. They access the server which hosts a session for the user to use from their terminal. Each current workstation over time be replaced with much more energy efficient device. Power Management – There will be devices attached to the network that will not require a conventional power source. As the new low powered Thin Clients are deployed their power will be supplied from the same cable that connects them to the network. Power Control – A timing device will automatically restrict power going to the workstations after hours and restore it before the business starts the next morning to minimalize power usage. Printing – A new printer will be introduced to the network allowing access from all workstations simultaneously.
TESTING Results of testing the various options for thin clients
The Short-term Education program will be developed and deployed Solar Panel installation completion will take place New Server to be installed and Thin Client network integrated New Printer processes to be implemented including an offsite printing option
Energy Usage
CONCLUSIONCONCLUSION A New and Sustainable network – With the Future in Mind Exciting and Leading Edge Eco-Technology Ideas The Expansion of Sustainable Resources Using Solar Panels The Implantation of this proposal will see immediate results with self- funded expansion