Annual Meeting, Aberfoyle, th September 2008 SAGES Scottish Alliance for Geoscience, Environment & Society Atmosphere, Oceans and Climate Sandy Tudhope: University of Edinburgh Mark Inall: Scottish Association for Marine Science/UHI
SAGES Theme 3: Atmosphere, Oceans & Climate Original Proposal: three overarching questions: (i) What are the mechanisms and drivers of abrupt regional and global climate change? (ii) In the context of future global climate change, how can we predict the manifestations and impacts of such change at regional level? (iii) What is the climatological and environmental significance of variability in transport of warm and saline Atlantic Water to NW Europe and Scandinavia? Theme 3
SAGES Theme 3: Atmosphere, Oceans & Climate Activities in past 12 months: Theme Meeting: Dundee; 25 th September 2007 Mark Inall, SAMS, as co-leader PhD Studentships Theme 3
Refreezing and runoff at the surface of the Greenland Ice Sheet Richard Morris Supervisors: Doug Mair (Aberdeen); Pete Nienow (Edinburgh)
Linking recent variability in Atlantic Ocean circulation and glacier mass balance in Greenland and Norway Glacial mass balance and Atlantic Water summer temperatures Marie Porter Supervisors: Toby Sherwin (SAMS); Brice Rea and Doug Mair (Aberdeen University)
Extending the marine instrumental climate record for European waters using the long-lived marine bivalve: Arctica islandica Keziah Stott Supervisors: Bill Austin and Rob Wilson (St Andrews); Mark Inall (SAMS)
Secrets from a Deep Reef: Structure, Biogeography and Palaeoclimate Reconstruction from Mingulay Reef Complex Sediment Cores. Mélanie Douarin Supervisors: Dan Sinclair (SAMS), David Long (BGS), Mary Elliot (Edinburgh), Murray Roberts (SAMS)
Palaeoclimate reconstructions from Arctic and Nordic shelf seas Heiko Moosen Supervisors: James Bendle (Glasgow); Finlo Cottier (SAMS), Bill Austin (St Andrews) and John Howe (SAMS)
SAGES Theme 3: Atmosphere, Oceans & Climate Future Opportunities: 1.Strengthen interactions in SAGES, e.g., –oceanography-climate modelling-glaciology (example: Simon Tett and Toby Sherwin UK NERC RAPID bid) –climate dynamics/modelling-extreme events-societal impacts (Society) –palaeoclimate-climate dynamics/modelling –marine biogeochemical cycles-terrestrial carbon cycle-climate (Theme 2) –climate-landscape interactions (Theme 1; CESD) Theme 3
SAGES Theme 3: Atmosphere, Oceans & Climate 2.Develop relationships beyond SAGES: –Potential links to Marine Science Scotland pooling initiative –Possible engagement with DIFD’s new Climate Change and Development initiatives –Interaction with NERC’s Thematic Programmes 3.Consider opportunities for a SAGES II Theme 3
SAGES Theme 3: Atmosphere, Oceans & Climate Mechanisms: THEME 3 Sponsored Meetings: –Annual Theme meeting –Focussed workshops to develop collaborations and proposals; potential for co-sponsoring with other Themes and the Society and CESD integrative initiatives –Modest facilitation budget (to be approved) Contributions to SAGES News Other ideas Theme 3