The effect of wind on the estimated plume extension of the La Plata River Erica Darken Summer 2004
Purpose To study the relationship between the direction and speed of the wind and the extension of the high chlorophyll signal associated with the plume of the La Plata River in the Southwestern Atlantic Ocean, as estimated by the Oc4 version 4 chlorophyll algorithm.
Outline The basics of Ocean Color. The La Plata River- its importance and previous research. My project. Future work.
The significance of ocean color Remote sensors mounted on satellites can gather water-leaving radiance data that change according to varying concentrations of dissolved and suspended constituents. IOCCG (2000)
Applying remotely sensed ocean-color data Raw radiances Normalized water-leaving radiances Standardized projection Atmospheric correction Geo- location Bio-optical algorithm Max(490, 443, 510nm) 555nm Chlorophyll concentration (phytoplankton pigments) Oc4v4 Algorithm
Examples of remotely sensed images Data from SeaWiFS, April 28, True color Chlorophyll map
Where is the La Plata River? Source: American Association for the Advancement of Science, Plata Basin Initiative.
Importance of the La Plata River Second in importance in South America. The Plata Basin covers 3,100,000 km 2 (1,200,000 mi 2 ), or about 20% of South America (AAAS, Plata Basin Initiative). Much larger than the Mississippi River. Historical discharge (Berbery and Mechoso, 2000): Forms the world’s largest estuary where it meets the Southwestern Atlantic Ocean. Provides the nutrients for many coastal fisheries.
Influences on the plume extension of the La Plata River Wind fields Ocean Currents Volume of river discharge PLUME EXTENSION Other forcing mechanisms
Previous Research: Alberto Piola Alberto Piola has studied the plume of the La Plata River, using sea surface salinity as a tracer, comparing it with along-shore wind stress. Using decades of averaged data, Piola found that periods of high wind stress do not necessarily correspond to periods of high river discharge, and that the two in fact tend to be out of phase, limiting plume extension. Along-shore wind stress = [air density] * [drag coefficient] * v y 2 y x
Previous research, continued Focusing on a small area, Piola found that the values of sea surface salinity and wind stress follow opposite annual trends. Piola concluded that the seasonal variation of the wind is responsible for the seasonal variation of the plume extension. Graph and data source:Piola, 2003.
The data for my investigation River plume Area wind fields SeaWiFS chlorophyll images (9 km resolution) National Centers for Environmental Prediction wind vectors (~1.9º resolution) Monthly averages for austral summer (January, February, March,) and austral winter (July, August, September,) for six years ( )
The area of interest 60ºW 45ºW 25ºS 40ºS Cape Santa Marta Patos Lagoon La Plata River Estuary True color image: MODIS Aqua, May 4, 2002
February August
Austral summer 2003: wind influence January February March
Austral Winter 2003: wind influence July August September
Measuring the plume Measuring the surface area of the waters that have a chlorophyll concentration greater than 2 mg/m 3 with MATLAB, we can get a quantitative representation of the annual cycle.
Plume area, river discharge, and wind stress Anomaly[month’s area] = [month’s area] - Mean[month’s area] Anomalous small plume area in January 2000 corresponds with anomalous strong, negative along-shore wind stress. Graph:Piola Blue = outflow Red = wind stress
Conclusions While there are seasonal/monthly trends to the wind fields and to the plume extension, there is no visually convincing argument that the wind as a monthly mean is responsible for the extension of the plume of the La Plata River. Numerical arguments suggest that both wind stress and river discharge can greatly influence the extension of the plume.
Future work Compare chlorophyll fields with salinity fields for the area to fine-tune the plume definition. Use another optical property besides chlorophyll to examine the plume. Relate the plume extension to the direction and speed of the ocean currents. Calculate up-to-date wind stress data. Divide time more finely.
Collaborators Virginia Garcia Carlos Garcia Chuck McClain Sergio Signorini Research and Discover Program, University of New Hampshire and NASA GSFC