NSTX Supported by NSTX Centerstack Upgrade Project Meeting P. Titus/EA Branch November 17, 2010 Lid/Cover/Flex Aluminum Block Bolting Stress And Stresses with Proposed Reinforcements
Offsets Used to Impose Moments Present Configuration
Produces High Bolt Stresses for the Upgrade Loads
The Upgrade PDR includes addition of a Reinforcing Plate Postulated Weld
Tresca Stress in Umbrella Structure Plate Present Configuration Proposed Reinforcement
No Reinforcement With Proposed Welded Reinforcement Plate
Preloaded Bolt Reinforcement ~90000psi Preload Bolt Stress is About the Same
Welds Extend these “Wings”
When the OOP force reaches 25% of nominal, the spoke lid springs upward
Spoke/Lid/Flex/Von Mises Stress peaks at 17.8ksi
Danny’s Crown Tooth Analysis He added a radius and we re- oriented the fiberglass reinforcement – but we need the updated design. Maybe Ali can add In TF Flag Calc?