Navigation and Ancillary Information Facility NIF Events Kernel Sequence Component ESQ One of three components of the E-kernel Subsystem June 2004
Navigation and Ancillary Information Facility NIF Events Kernel Sequence Component (ESQ) 2 The SPICE E-kernel’s sequence component (ESQ) is concerned with mission event data Which events? –Events relevant to current mission operations activities –Events relevant to providing scientists a complete understanding of science data returned from the spacecraft, both during the mission and years later Events could be predicted or actual The EK/ESQ subsystem provides standards and mechanisms for: –browsing event data interactively –conveniently accessing event data within application software –documenting event data –transmitting event data –archiving event data EK/ESQ Purpose
Navigation and Ancillary Information Facility NIF Events Kernel Sequence Component (ESQ) 3 The ESQ component uses a SPICE database mechanism, called DBK (“Database Kernel”), for storing “events” and related data –Suitable for recording sequences of commands, spacecraft configuration, state, or other highly structured, high-volume data –Examples: »Galileo, MGS, or Stardust sequences of events »Galileo observation plans »Clementine image catalog DBK is a simple, stand-alone relational database system developed by NAIF References to DBK in the remainder of this tutorial are applicable to the EK/ESQ EK/ESQ Implementation
Navigation and Ancillary Information Facility NIF Events Kernel Sequence Component (ESQ) 4 DBK characteristics –All DBK software is provided in the SPICE Toolkit »No licenses or third-party software involved –Data are stored in binary files –Direct access (fast compared to sequential text file access) –Portable to all platforms supported by NAIF –Provides room for metadata (comments), as in other binary kernels –Utilizes operating-system-independent buffered access –Read and write access is provided by SPICE subroutines SPICE Utilities/Apps that work with DBK files: –Use INSPEKT to browse DBKs interactively –Use COMMNT for comment area access DBK Subsystem Features
Navigation and Ancillary Information Facility NIF Events Kernel Sequence Component (ESQ) 5 Relational Model –A DBK database is a set of tables »Each table is made up of rows and columns »Tables are “rectangular”: same number of rows in each column –Column Attributes »Data type Character (fixed or variable length) Integer Double Precision Time (similar to “DATE” type in SQL) »Dimension (not supported in standard relational model) Fixed or variable »Null values are allowed »Data values may be indexed DBK Database Organization - 1
Navigation and Ancillary Information Facility NIF Events Kernel Sequence Component (ESQ) 6 Tables and files –A single table can be spread across multiple DBK files –A single DBK file can contain multiple tables –A single DBK file can contain pieces of multiple tables –SPICE DBK software can load (access) multiple DBK files at one time »If a table is spread across multiple loaded files, this is transparent to INSPEKT and to the high-level API routines DBK Database Organization - 2
Navigation and Ancillary Information Facility NIF Events Kernel Sequence Component (ESQ) 7 The DBK query language is used to select data from DBK tables –A query selects entries in specified columns belonging to rows that satisfy the query’s “constraints.” –DBKs may be queried via the DBK API or INSPEKT The DBK query language is closely related to the widely used SQL language –Restrictions »Read access only Use API calls to write or update a DBK »Subqueries are not supported »Arithmetic operations in queries are not supported –Extensions »Recognizes SPICE time formats »May retrieve data from array-valued columns DBK Query Language - 1
Navigation and Ancillary Information Facility NIF Events Kernel Sequence Component (ESQ) 8 Query syntax SELECT FROM WHERE ORDER BY Example SELECT event_time, command_name, parameter_name, parameter_value FROM sequence WHERE command_name like “36*” and ((event_time between “1985 Jan 1” and “January 1, 2000”) or ( event_time > “Jan 1, 2002)) ORDER BY event_time DESCENDING, command_name DBK Query Language - 2
Navigation and Ancillary Information Facility NIF Events Kernel Sequence Component (ESQ) 9 DBK API - 1 DBK API Components –DBK query interface »Principal interface is a suite of routines supporting query- and-fetch operations. These are: EKFIND --- issue a query EKGC, EKGD, EKGI --- fetch character, double precision, and integer data, respectively. EKGD is also used to fetch data of type TIME. EKNELT --- return the number of elements in a specified column entry –Needed because DBK columns may be array-valued. EKPSEL --- parse the SELECT clause of a query –Returns, attributes of columns in SELECT clause. –Needed to handle arbitrary queries at run time: enables calling application to determine on the fly which fetch routines to call. To make DBK data visible to the query interface, one “loads” DBK files of interest via FURNSH. DBK files can be removed from the system by calling UNLOAD. - continues-
Navigation and Ancillary Information Facility NIF Events Kernel Sequence Component (ESQ) 10 DBK API - 2 –Low-level DBK reader interface »Supports reading specified column entries from DBK files Routines EKRCEC, EKRCED and EKRCEI are used to read column entries from character, double precision, and integer columns, respectively. EKRCED reads data from columns of type TIME as well. The column entry readers are file-oriented and record-oriented: the caller reads an entry from a record specified by its ordinal position in a specified DBK file. –This capability is an extension of the relational model. »Supports retrieval of schema descriptions from DBK files Routines EKNSEG and EKSSUM are used to retrieve these data. Routine EKOPR is used to “open” a DBK file for access by the low-level interface. EKCLS is used to close a DBK opened by EKOPR. - continues-
Navigation and Ancillary Information Facility NIF Events Kernel Sequence Component (ESQ) 11 –DBK record-oriented writer interface »Supports creation of tables record-by-record. Records may be added in random order. Data may be taken from an input stream; no need to stage large amounts of data. File creation is relatively slow. »To create a DBK using the record-oriented writers Open a new DBK for write access using EKOPN. Use EKBSEG to start a new “segment.” –DBKs consist of one or more collections of data called “segments.” Each segment contains data belonging to only one table. Add new, empty records to a segment using EKINSR (“insert record”) or EKAPPR (“append record”). Add column entries to records using EKACEC, EKACED, and EKACEI for character, double precision, and integer data, respectively. EKACED is also used to write TIME values to records. –Normally, each new record is filled in with data before a new record is started, but this is not required. When all segments are done, complete the DBK by calling EKCLS. DBK API continues-
Navigation and Ancillary Information Facility NIF Events Kernel Sequence Component (ESQ) 12 DBK API - 4 –DBK “fast load” writer interface »Much faster ( roughly 100x) than the record-oriented interface. »Typically requires calling application to buffer large quantities of data in memory. Builds one segment at a time. Builds segments by writing the data for each column in one shot. »To use the “fast loader” routines Prepare a new segment for the fast load routines by calling EKIFLD. Call EKACLC, EKACLD, EKACLI to add character, double precision, or integer columns to the segment. Use EKACLD to add TIME columns. Finish fast load by calling EKFFLD. When all segments are done, complete the DBK by calling EKCLS. - continues-
Navigation and Ancillary Information Facility NIF Events Kernel Sequence Component (ESQ) 13 DBK API - 5 –DBK update interface »Allows updating of individual column entries. Use EKUCEC, EKUCED, or EKUCEI to update character, double precision, or integer column entries. EKUCED updates TIME entries as well. »Allows deletion of records. Delete records using EKDELR.
Navigation and Ancillary Information Facility NIF Events Kernel Sequence Component (ESQ) 14 DBK API - 6 Example: query-and-fetch with SELECT clause and DBK schema known in advance. –Use EKFIND to issue a query. EKFIND returns the number of matching rows, an error flag, and an error message. –Loop over the matching rows, using EKGC, EKGD, and EKGI to fetch data from each column. All entries are assumed scalar and non-null. QUERY = ‘SELECT CHR_COL, INT_COL, DP_COL, TIME_COL FROM TABLE1’ CALL EKFIND ( QUERY, NROWS, ERROR, ERRMSG ) DO ROW = 1, NMROWS CALL EKGC ( 1, ROW, 1, CDATA(ROW), NULL, FOUND ) CALL EKGI ( 2, ROW, 1, IDATA(ROW), NULL, FOUND ) CALL EKGD ( 3, ROW, 1, DDATA(ROW), NULL, FOUND ) CALL EKGD ( 4, ROW, 1, TDATA(ROW), NULL, FOUND ) END DO
Navigation and Ancillary Information Facility NIF Events Kernel Sequence Component (ESQ) 15 INSPEKT is an interactive browsing program for DBK files –Command line interface –Command files –Symbols –Command editing –Extensive formatting options –Log files –Create customized reports –Uses DBK query language, plus various extensions –Read access only There is currently no generic DBK writing program –(NAIF re-uses a modestly flexible ESQ writing program designed to work with JPL sequence products - PEF2EK) DBK Data Access Using Inspekt
Navigation and Ancillary Information Facility NIF Events Kernel Sequence Component (ESQ) 16 The DBK subsystem does not support concurrent file access by multithreaded or multitasking applications. –Multiple users may read a DBK file simultaneously, but there is no built-in mechanism to ensure data integrity when a file is read and written asynchronously. Various SQL features are not supported: –Commands providing “write access” to DBKs. –Subqueries –Expressions in SELECT clauses –Views DBK Limitations