Cryogenic Detectors and Test Infrastructure at the University of Leicester G.W. Fraser Space Research Centre, Michael Atiyah Building, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Leicester, Leicester LE1 7RH XEUS Calorimeter Meeting, Utrecht, 26th-27th October The UK XEUS Roadmap 2. TES Modelling and Measurement 3. Laboratory Facilities 4. Other Remarks (Unconventional Optics - magnification and gratings ; Interim Missions)
Leicester Laboratory Facilities Floor Area ~ 58 m 2 Height 3.44 m Rectangular Pit: 1.4 m x 3.0 m, 0.49 m depth For ‘side-arm’ DR + beamline Round Pit: 1.0 m dia, 1.49 m depth For 2nd DR / ADR? Dilution Refrigerator with side arm and external X-ray beamline anti-vibration support structure external plant room for DR operating pump Gas Extraction system + room and pit O 2 monitors X-ray Source
KTB Theory / PSST (Fraser, 2004) Excess noise level taken at a frequency of 4 kHz vs. resistance in the TES. The black symbols are the experimental data from [Takei, 2004] and the grey diamonds are based on the excess noise theoretical modelling. The dotted line shows 1/R scaling and the solid line represents the theory based on the Johnson, Phonon and readout noise. The plot demonstrates a good agreement between the experimental data and the new theory.
Alternative large absorber devices : –2 or more detectors on a single absorber. –1 or 2-D STJ DROID (Distributed Read-Out Imaging Device) ESTEC, E ~ keV, L = 100 microns –1-D TES DROID Leicester prototype device: E ~ eV baseline (readout noise limited), L = 5 mm, modelling suggests ~ 15 eV under optimum conditions. –1-D TES PoST (Position sensitive TES) pixellated absorber NASA GSFC, E ~10-20 eV, L = 2 mm TES pixel array challenges to overcome: –Processing/fabrication –Thermal engineering (1024 TESs) –Multiplexing 1024 channels –Thermal/electrical cross-talk
Calculated X across optimised 8-mm TES DROID, coupled to 5eV 1 keV 5.9 keV 10 keV TES DROIDs Offer: –reduced read-out requirements > 64 channels –less thermal engineering > 64 biased TESs –Modelling suggests comparable E and X. –reduced count rate capability ~ 100 Hz - kHz –ideal detector for X-ray interferometry