The Design Process Innovation Academy Smarter Energy with Ms. Mills Monday Design Challenge
EMPATHIZE Partner Interview Time What are examples of destructive energies from Mother Nature? Describe real world scenarios of theses destructive energies. Why would we want to generate energy from these natural disasters? How could harnessing energy from these natural disasters help humans?
DEFINE How might we harness the normally destructive energy of Mother Nature?
IDEATE Brainstorming Rules: Defer judgement Go for volume One conversation at a time Be visual Headline Headline Headline Build on the ideas of others Build on the ideas of others Stay on topic Stay on topic Encourage WILD IDEAS Encourage WILD IDEAS Headline
PROTOTYPE Start rough and rapid You will have 10 minutes to build before the 1st round of FEEDBACK
TEST Go back to the student you interviewed FEEDBACK is the key - I like... I would maybe change...
Prototype Share-out 1. What is the destructive energy that you are using? 2. How does your design harness energy from Mother Nature? 3. How does the energy collected become useable? 4. What is the BEST feature of your design? 5. If you had more time, what would you add/change, etc?
Overall Challenge Reflection What did you think of the design challenge today? What did your team do well? What did you find the most challenging? How did this process help you develop creative confidence?