NOAA, National Weather Service Middle Atlantic River Forecast Center Briefing Monday, June 30, 2014
Key Message The National Weather Service is watching an area of thunderstorms off the coast of Florida, over the Atlantic Ocean. There is a high probability that this may develop into a tropical depression over the next 48 hours. There is much uncertainty as to what the inland river flooding impacts could be for the Mid-Atlantic region. At this point, we all need to stay aware and alert. The timing of any impacts could affect your July 4 th holiday weekend plans Monitor and your local media often this week for the latest information.
Rain Forecast Through the Weekend This swath of red and orange colors shows the heaviest rainfall forecast with the storm. As you can see, at this time, the heaviest rains are forecast to stay along and near the coastline. Keep in mind there is much uncertainty in exact amounts and locations of rain this far in advance.
Monitor the latest weather and water forecasts at: Middle Atlantic self-briefing page: National Weather Service: National Hurricane Center:
Remember MARFC briefings focus on inland river flooding. This may not be the entire flood threat. See info from your local weather forecast office for flash flooding, storm surge, river flooding in tidal reaches, etc..
Need more info? Contact your local NWS Weather Forecast Office – Binghamton, NY – Blacksburg, VA – Mt Holly, NJ – State College, PA – New York City, NY – Sterling, VA – Wakefield, VA Or
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The Next MARFC briefing will be issued on Tuesday July 1 st.