DAY 3: EXCEL CHAPTER 1 Rahul Kavi August 25,
MYITLAB UPDATES Course-ids and instructions posted on website. Lesson A due date is extended to September 8 th.
FIRST HOMEWORK POSTED First homework posted on website. Due date is September 11 th.
LOGIN-ATTENDANCE Wait until the class begins and then you can login your attendance. Login attendance everyday. Attend the entire class after login. You won’t be able to give your attendance outside the class (online).
LOGIN-ATTENDANCE Visit instructor website and click on “Record Attendance here” link. Login with your MyID and password. Sign in on the attendance sheet if it didn’t work.
INTRODUCTION A Spreadsheet is a computer equivalent of a ledger. Uses in accounting, keeping a track of budget, charts, graphs, etc. Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet program used to create spreadsheets. Excel Trivia.Excel Trivia
LETS LEARN BY DOING Instructions posted on website. Today’s topics will help you solve Homework 1.
NAVIGATING IN WORKSHEETS KeystrokeAction ↑Moves up one cell ↓Moves down one cell ←Moves left one cell →Moves right one cell PageUpMoves active cell up one screen PageDownMoves active cell down one screen HomeMoves active cell to column A of current row Ctrl HomeMoves active cell to cell A1 Ctrl EndMoves to the rightmost, lowermost active corner of the worksheet F5Displays the GoTo dialog box to enter any cell address
ENTERING DATA INTO WORKSHEETS Four types of data you can input: Text Date Values (numbers) Formulas 11
FORMULAS Formulas are entries that have an equation that calculates the value to display. Symbols –Addition + –Subtraction – –Multiplication * –Division / –Exponentiation ^ Formulas must begin with = 12
FORMULAS We DO NOT type in the numbers we are looking for; we type in the equation. Easiest way to display all the formulas is to press Ctrl + tilde(~) key. Ex: =SUM(A5:A10). We tried this in last class. Other Ex: AVERAGE, A1+B2, E3- (E4*(D8/C6))
ORDER OF OPERATIONS PEMDAS –Parentheses () –Exponentiation ^ –Multiplication * –Division / –Addition + –Subtraction – If unsure, use parentheses. 14
AUTO FILL Copy formulas –Repeat the formula on the next row Completing sequences –1, 2, 3, … –5, 10, 15, … –January, February, March, … –Whatever1, Whatever2, Whatever3, … 15
MANAGING WORKSHEETS Renaming Worksheets Changing Tab Color Insert Delete Move Copy 16
ROWS, COLUMNS & CELLS Each CELL is assigned a name according to its COLUMN letter and ROW number. Ex – ‘E3‘ insert a new row –Click on the row number below where you want the new row inserted insert a new column Insert/Delete Individual Cells
MANAGING ROWS AND COLUMNS Insert Delete Adjust Size Hide Unhide 18
CELL RANGES A range is a rectangular group of cells in a worksheet –Can be one cell; may be entire worksheet Select a range –Click and hold left mouse button and drag from beginning of range to end –Select first cell, then hold the Shift key while clicking the last cell Example: A1:A10, A1:E6, A1:E1
CELL RANGES – OPERATIONS Move and Delete –Drag or drop –Cut and paste Copy, Paste, and Paste Special Auto Fill –Copy the content of a cell or a range of cells – Drag the fill handle over an adjacent cell or range of cells The fill handle is a small black square appearing in the bottom-right corner of a cell – Use to complete a sequence like years or months
SELECTING CELLS Select Ranges –Adjacent (Shift) –Nonadjacent (Ctrl) –All data in range (Ctrl-A) Select Columns/Rows Select Entire Worksheet 21
MOVING/COPYING CELLS Cut (Ctrl-x)/Paste (Ctrl-v) or Drag Selected Cells Copy (Ctrl-c)/Paste (Ctrl-v) Cut/Copy/Paste Also Under Home Tab 22
FORMATTING WORKSHEETS Rename worksheets Change Sheet Tab Color Move, delete, copy or add worksheets For all these operations right click on the sheet tab and select the desired operation.
NEXT CLASS Data Analysis Page Setup/Printing 24