Research Idea Lei Rao March 7th, 2009
Related Work [1] J.G. Dai and W. Lin, “Maximum Pressure Policies in Stochastic Processing Networks,” Oper. Res., vol. 53, 2005, pp [2] S. Kandula, K.C. Lin, T. Badirkhanli, and D. Katabi, “FatVAP: aggregating AP backhaul capacity to maximize throughput,” Proceedings of the 5th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation, San Francisco, California: USENIX Association, 2008, pp
Problem 1: AP Utilization in WiFi Networks Problem: How to assign the utilization time of each AP to each laptops so as to obtain maximum throughput in WiFi networks? Note that APs and Laptops are one-to-one mapping.
Solution: Maximum Pressure Policy Assumptions: Buffers are never empty, i.e., there are always data in laptops to transmit. APs are always busy, i.e., at one time instant, each AP is connect to one laptop. Decision Variables: X ij : long-run time fraction of AP j assigned to laptop i. Definition of Maximum Pressure: The maximum packet quantity in the utilized buffers under a certain allocation of APs. Features of the solution: Maximum Throughput Minimum Average Delay
Problem 2: Dynamic Routing in Real Time Sensor Networks For Each Node: (Node 3, 4, 5 as an example)
Solution: Maximum Pressure Policy Advantages: Maximum Throughput Guarantee Instant Routing Decision (Dynamic) Minimum Average Delay Disadvantages: Not Purely Local (Local and Downstream Information) Not Hard Real Time Guarantee