Greek Mythology and History As related to The Odyssey
Greek Mythology Greek gods often had human characteristics. Including: –Desires –Weaknesses (e.g. jealousy, wrath) –Appearances
Greek Mythology Greek gods often meddled in the affairs of humans. Athena places special interest in Odysseus’s affairs.
Greek Mythology Sometimes gods and humans “interacted” which resulted in demigods. –Demigods: Beings which are half-god and half-human
The Greeks believed a hierarchy of gods and goddesses. –Hierarchy: A system of ranking Some gods are more important than others Greek Mythology
The most important gods from The Odyssey are: –Zeus –Athena –Hermes –Calypso –Circe –Polyphemus –Poseidon
The Trojan War Time: 1200 B.C.E. Cause: Helen and Paris –Abduction or tryst? Result: One of the greatest wars of all time.
The Trojan War Major warriors from the Trojan War: Greek side: –Achilles –Agamemnon –Menelaus –Ajax –Odysseus
The Trojan War Major warriors from the Trojan War: Trojan side: –Hector –Paris –King Priam
The Trojan War: Aftermath After the war, a tired but victorious Odysseus is longing to get home. Unfortunately, things don’t go well.