Roman Numeral Multiplication Quiz
When the user clicks Next Select a number at random between 1 and 10. Display the corresponding image (Roman1_1.jpg, or Roman1_2.jpg, etc.) Select a second number at random between 1 and 10. Display the corresponding image (Roman2_1.jpg, or Roman2_2.jpg, etc.) Set the image next to the buttons to the “thinking” image. Clear the textbox of any previous answer
When the user clicks Check The user should enter a guess in the textbox and click Check. If the user’s answer is correct, then change the image next to the buttons to one of the happy faces (chosen at random). If the user’s answer is incorrect, then change the image next to the buttons to one of the sad faces (chosen at random).
When starting Include in the body a call to the Next button’s method, so that a random problem is selected as soon as one navigates to the page.
When in Rome Next declare, instantiate and initialize an array like: var RomanNumerals = new Array("0", "I", "II", "III", "IV", "V", "VI", "VII", "VIII", "IX", "X", "XI", "XII", "XIII", "XIV", "XV", "XVI", "XVII", "XVIII", "XIX", "XX", "XXI", "XXII", "XXIII", "XXIV", "XXV");
When in Rome (Cont.) Use the array to modify your program so that now the user is expected to enter his or her answer in roman numerals. Note that the element with an index of 7 is VII which is the roman numeral for 7.