The Roman Republic 509 BCE – 30 BCE
The Roman Republic – Notes (page 1)
Class Structure in the Roman Republic Roman _____________________ _____ (1) ________ – ____________ ____________________ (2) _______ – _______________ __________________ Note: _____ did not belong to either class. ___________ ________________________ _________________________
Class Structure in the Roman Republic Roman citizens were divided into _ classes (1) ________ – ____________ ____________________ (2) _______ – _______________ __________________ Note: _____ did not belong to either class. ___________ ________________________ _________________________
Class Structure in the Roman Republic Roman citizens were divided into 2 classes (1) ________ – ____________ ____________________ (2) _______ – _______________ __________________ Note: _____ did not belong to either class. ___________ ________________________ _________________________
Class Structure in the Roman Republic Roman citizens were divided into 2 classes (1) ________ – members of the oldest and richest families (2) _______ – _______________ __________________ Note: _____ did not belong to either class. ___________ ________________________ _________________________
Class Structure in the Roman Republic Roman citizens were divided into 2 classes (1) patricians – members of the oldest and richest families (2) _______ – _______________ __________________ Note: _____ did not belong to either class. ___________ ________________________ _________________________
Class Structure in the Roman Republic Roman citizens were divided into 2 classes (1) patricians – members of the oldest and richest families (2) _______ – poorer people, such as farmers and artisans Note: _____ did not belong to either class. ___________ ________________________ _________________________
Class Structure in the Roman Republic Roman citizens were divided into 2 classes (1) patricians – members of the oldest and richest families (2) plebeians – poorer people, such as farmers and artisans Note: _____ did not belong to either class. ___________ ________________________ _________________________
Class Structure in the Roman Republic Roman citizens were divided into 2 classes (1) patricians – members of the oldest and richest families (2) plebeians – poorer people, such as farmers and artisans Note: Slaves did not belong to either class. ___________ ________________________ _________________________
Class Structure in the Roman Republic Roman citizens were divided into 2 classes (1) patricians – members of the oldest and richest families (2) plebeians – poorer people, such as farmers and artisans Note: Slaves did not belong to either class. They were not viewed as citizens! Slaves had a nickname - ______________
Class Structure in the Roman Republic Roman citizens were divided into 2 classes (1) patricians – members of the oldest and richest families (2) plebeians – poorer people, such as farmers and artisans Note: Slaves did not belong to either class. They were not viewed as citizens! Slaves had a nickname – “tools that talked”
_______ (1) had the exclusive right _____ _______________________ (a) ____________________ _________________ (b) ________________________ _________________________
Patricians (1) had the exclusive right _____ _______________________ (a) ____________________ _________________ (b) ________________________ _________________________
Patricians (1) had the exclusive right to hold offices both ___ and ______ (a) ____________________ _________________ (b) ________________________ _________________________
Patricians (1) had the exclusive right to hold offices both civil and religious (a) ____________________ _________________ (b) ________________________ _________________________
Patricians (1) had the exclusive right to hold offices both civil and religious (a) because of this, they had control over the ____ (b) ________________________ _________________________
Patricians (1) had the exclusive right to hold offices both civil and religious (a) because of this, they had control over the gov’t (b) ________________________ _________________________
Patricians (1) had the exclusive right to hold offices both civil and religious (a) because of this, they had control over the gov’t (b) this was true even though they were only ___ of the population
Patricians (1) had the exclusive right to hold offices both civil and religious (a) because of this, they had control over the gov’t (b) this was true even though they were only 10% of the population
(2) “patrician” __________________ __________________
(2) “patrician” derives from the ____ word for _____ (____)
(2) “patrician” derives from the Latin word for _____ (____)
(2) “patrician” derives from the Latin word for father (____)
(2) “patrician” derives from the Latin word for father (pater)
(3) roles _________________ (a) __________________________ _____________ (b) ____________ (c) ________________ (d) _________________________ ______________
(3) roles that patricians played (a) __________________________ _____________ (b) ____________ (c) ________________ (d) _________________________ ______________
(3) roles that patricians played (a) leaders and representatives in the gov’t and Senate (b) ____________ (c) ________________ (d) _________________________ ______________
(3) roles that patricians played (a) leaders and representatives in the gov’t and Senate (b) religious leaders (c) ________________ (d) _________________________ ______________
(3) roles that patricians played (a) leaders and representatives in the gov’t and Senate (b) religious leaders (c) wealthy land owners (d) _________________________ ______________
(3) roles that patricians played (a) leaders and representatives in the gov’t and Senate (b) religious leaders (c) wealthy land owners (d) businessmen (shipping companies, warehouses, etc.)
(4) everyday ______________ (a) marriage rules * _______________________ _____________ * most women _______________ ________ * most men _______________ ________ * men sought _____________ ______________ * divorce _________ * _____________________ _________________
(4) everyday lives of patricians (a) marriage rules * _______________________ _____________ * most women _______________ ________ * most men _______________ ________ * men sought _____________ ______________ * divorce _________ * _____________________ _________________
(4) everyday lives of patricians (a) marriage rules * people married to gain _____ and __________ * most women _______________ ________ * most men _______________ ________ * men sought _____________ ______________ * divorce _________ * _____________________ _________________
(4) everyday lives of patricians (a) marriage rules * people married to gain wealth and social status * most women _______________ ________ * most men _______________ ________ * men sought _____________ ______________ * divorce _________ * _____________________ _________________
(4) everyday lives of patricians (a) marriage rules * people married to gain wealth and social status * most women married around the age of __ * most men _______________ ________ * men sought _____________ ______________ * divorce _________ * _____________________ _________________
(4) everyday lives of patricians (a) marriage rules * people married to gain wealth and social status * most women married around the age of 13 * most men _______________ ________ * men sought _____________ ______________ * divorce _________ * _____________________ _________________
(4) everyday lives of patricians (a) marriage rules * people married to gain wealth and social status * most women married around the age of 13 * most men married around the age of __ * men sought _____________ ______________ * divorce _________ * _____________________ _________________
(4) everyday lives of patricians (a) marriage rules * people married to gain wealth and social status * most women married around the age of 13 * most men married around the age of 20 * men sought _____________ ______________ * divorce _________ * _____________________ _________________
(4) everyday lives of patricians (a) marriage rules * people married to gain wealth and social status * most women married around the age of 13 * most men married around the age of 20 * men sought to marry women with large dowries * divorce _________ * _____________________ _________________
(4) everyday lives of patricians (a) marriage rules * people married to gain wealth and social status * most women married around the age of 13 * most men married around the age of 20 * men sought to marry women with large dowries * divorce was common * _____________________ _________________
(4) everyday lives of patricians (a) marriage rules * people married to gain wealth and social status * most women married around the age of 13 * most men married around the age of 20 * men sought to marry women with large dowries * divorce was common * blended families with step- children were common
dowry (noun) - _____________ ________________ __________________
dowry (noun) - money or property brought by a bride to her husband at marriage
Note: Women were treated __________ __________________________ _____________
Note: Women were treated like property __________________________ _____________
Note: Women were treated like property and were supposed to ________ _____________
Note: Women were treated like property and were supposed to understand their inferiority.
They were also ___________________ _______
They were also encouraged to have ____ _______
They were also encouraged to have many children.
(5) patrician _____ (a) lived in ___________________ ____________________ * ______________ * ______________________ _____
(5) patrician housing (a) lived in ___________________ ____________________ * ______________ * ______________________ _____
(5) patrician housing (a) lived in a domus - ___________ ____________________ * ______________ * ______________________ _____
(5) patrician housing (a) lived in a domus – type of house owned by wealthy families * ______________ * ______________________ _____
(5) patrician housing (a) lived in a domus – type of house owned by wealthy families * had multiple rooms * ______________________ _____
(5) patrician housing (a) lived in a domus – type of house owned by wealthy families * had multiple rooms * had an indoor courtyard and garden
_______ (1) _____________________ _______
Plebeians (1) _____________________ _______
Plebeians (1) made up about __% of the population
Plebeians (1) made up about 90% of the population
(2) “plebeian” __________________ ________________________ (3) represented by ________________ _________________
(2) “plebeian” derives from the ____ word for ___________ (____) (3) represented by ________________ _________________
(2) “plebeian” derives from the Latin word for ___________ (____) (3) represented by ________________ _________________
(2) “plebeian” derives from the Latin word for common people (____) (3) represented by ________________ _________________
(2) “plebeian” derives from the Latin word for common people (plebs) (3) represented by ________________ _________________
(2) “plebeian” derives from the Latin word for common people (plebs) (3) represented by ______ in the gov’t of the Roman Republic
(2) “plebeian” derives from the Latin word for common people (plebs) (3) represented by tribunes in the gov’t of the Roman Republic
(4) roles that plebeians played (a) ______ (b) ______ (c) ________________ (d) ________________________
(4) roles that plebeians played (a) farmers (b) ______ (c) ________________ (d) ________________________
(4) roles that plebeians played (a) farmers (b) artisans (c) ________________ (d) ________________________
(4) roles that plebeians played (a) farmers (b) artisans (c) small business owners (d) ________________________
(4) roles that plebeians played (a) farmers (b) artisans (c) small business owners (d) any other job you can think of
Note: The plebeians had ___________ ___________________________
Note: The plebeians had important jobs that kept society alive and running
(5) plebeian _____ (a) lived in ____________ __________________ * ____________________
(5) plebeian housing (a) lived in ____________ __________________ * ____________________
(5) plebeian housing (a) lived in _____ – large, overcrowded tenements * ____________________
(5) plebeian housing (a) lived in insulae – large, overcrowded tenements * ____________________
(5) plebeian housing (a) lived in insulae – large, overcrowded tenements * stood _ to __ stories high
(5) plebeian housing (a) lived in insulae – large, overcrowded tenements * stood 6 to 10 stories high
* rents ______________________ * ________________________ ______________ - ____________________ - _________________________ * very little _____
* rents were often impossible to pay * ________________________ ______________ - ____________________ - _________________________ * very little _____
* rents were often impossible to pay * the higher the apartment, the ______________ - ____________________ - _________________________ * very little _____
* rents were often impossible to pay * the higher the apartment, the cheaper the price - ____________________ - _________________________ * very little _____
* rents were often impossible to pay * the higher the apartment, the cheaper the price - no water on higher floors - _________________________ * very little _____
* rents were often impossible to pay * the higher the apartment, the cheaper the price - no water on higher floors - no fires/cooking on higher floors * very little _____
* rents were often impossible to pay * the higher the apartment, the cheaper the price - no water on higher floors - no fires/cooking on higher floors * very little privacy
(b) the world’s first ______________ __________ * ________________________ _________________________ __________
(b) the world’s first ________ were in ancient Rome * ________________________ _________________________ __________
(b) the world’s first tenements were in ancient Rome * ________________________ _________________________ __________
(b) the world’s first tenements were in ancient Rome * they would forever change the way the ___ and ____________ lived in cities
(b) the world’s first tenements were in ancient Rome * they would forever change the way the poor and underprivileged lived in cities How?
Now, circle in colored pencil, every place in your notes where you used shorthand. When you are finished, please pass up your notes to the front of the row.
Can you name the group? (please don’t call it out)
(1) Find out where we are in this class (2) Hand-backs (3) Hand back shorthand notes (4) Reminders for tomorrow (Current events presenters, do you know what you are turning in?)
So…What the heck was the Roman Republic???
The Roman Republic – Notes (page 2)
The Founding of the Roman Republic
753 – 509 BCE – _________________ ___________________ (1) _________________________ _________ (2) __________________________ _____
753 – 509 BCE – Rome was a _______ (ruled by a single person) (1) _________________________ _________ (2) __________________________ _____
753 – 509 BCE – Rome was a monarchy (ruled by a single person) (1) _________________________ _________ (2) __________________________ _____
753 – 509 BCE – Rome was a monarchy (ruled by a single person) (1) _ Etruscan kings ruled from 616 to 509 BCE (2) __________________________ _____
753 – 509 BCE – Rome was a monarchy (ruled by a single person) (1) 3 Etruscan kings ruled from 616 to 509 BCE (2) __________________________ _____
753 – 509 BCE – Rome was a monarchy (ruled by a single person) (1) 3 Etruscan kings ruled from 616 to 509 BCE (2) last Etruscan king – __________ _____
753 – 509 BCE – Rome was a monarchy (ruled by a single person) (1) 3 Etruscan kings ruled from 616 to 509 BCE (2) last Etruscan king – “Tarquin the Proud”
509 – 44 BCE (or 27 BCE) – _________ ______ (1) 509 BCE – ________________ ______________ (a) story of ______
509 – 44 BCE (or 27 BCE) – The Roman Republic (1) 509 BCE – ________________ ______________ (a) story of ______
509 – 44 BCE (or 27 BCE) – The Roman Republic (1) 509 BCE – ________ kicked out Tarquin the Proud (a) story of ______
509 – 44 BCE (or 27 BCE) – The Roman Republic (1) 509 BCE – patricians kicked out Tarquin the Proud (a) story of ______
509 – 44 BCE (or 27 BCE) – The Roman Republic (1) 509 BCE – patricians kicked out Tarquin the Proud (a) story of Lucretia
(2) patricians established _______ (a) _______________________ _______________________(b) in the beginning, _________ _____________________ ____________________
(2) patricians established a republic (a) republic - _______________ _______________________(b) in the beginning, _________ _____________________ ____________________
(2) patricians established a republic (a) republic – type of gov’t where people choose their own rulers(b) in the beginning, _________ _____________________ ____________________
(2) patricians established a republic (a) republic – type of gov’t where people choose their own rulers(b) in the beginning, _________ controlled and ran the gov’t ____________________
(2) patricians established a republic (a) republic – type of gov’t where people choose their own rulers(b) in the beginning, the wealthy controlled and ran the gov’t (did not trust lone rulers)
The Roman Republic The Roman Republic ____________ _____ (1) each part ________________ _______________________ _______________ * this is called _________ _________________
The Roman Republic The Roman Republic had _ branches (parts) (1) each part ________________ _______________________ _______________ * this is called _________ _________________
The Roman Republic The Roman Republic had 3 branches (parts) (1) each part ________________ _______________________ _______________ * this is called _________ _________________
The Roman Republic The Roman Republic had 3 branches (parts) (1) each part had its own jobs – no part of the gov’t was stronger than any other part * this is called _________ _________________
The Roman Republic The Roman Republic had 3 branches (parts) (1) each part had its own jobs – no part of the gov’t was stronger than any other part * this is called a system of _________________
The Roman Republic The Roman Republic had 3 branches (parts) (1) each part had its own jobs – no part of the gov’t was stronger than any other part * this is called a system of _________________
The Roman Republic The Roman Republic had 3 branches (parts) (1) each part had its own jobs – no part of the gov’t was stronger than any other part * this is called a system of _________________
The Roman Republic The Roman Republic had 3 branches (parts) (1) each part had its own jobs – no part of the gov’t was stronger than any other part * this is called a system of “checks and balances”
3 Branches _________________ (1) _______________________
3 Branches of the Roman Republic (1) _______________________
3 Branches of the Roman Republic (1) _____________ – make laws
3 Branches of the Roman Republic (1) legislative branch – make laws
(a) _____ (like our _______) * __________________________ ______ * jobs - __________ - ___________ - ____________________ ____
(a) _____ (like our Congress) * __________________________ ______ * jobs - __________ - ___________ - handled daily problems of gov’t
(a) Senate (like our Congress) * __________________________ ______ * jobs - __________ - ___________ - handled daily problems of gov’t
(a) Senate (like our Congress) * ___ Senators - patricians chosen for life * jobs - __________ - ____________ - handled daily problems of gov’t
(a) Senate (like our Congress) * 300 Senators - patricians chosen for life * jobs - __________ - ____________ - handled daily problems of gov’t
(a) Senate (like our Congress) * 300 Senators - patricians chosen for life * jobs – proposed laws - ____________ - handled daily problems of gov’t
(a) Senate (like our Congress) * 300 Senators - patricians chosen for life * jobs - proposed laws - advised consuls - handled daily problems of gov’t
(b) _______ * all _______________________ ___________________ ______ * jobs – ______________ - __________ - ____________
(b) assembly * all _______________________ ___________________ ______ * jobs – ______________ - __________ - ____________
(b) assembly * all Roman citizens (plebeians and patricians who are not in Senate) * jobs – ______________ - __________ - ____________
(b) assembly * all Roman citizens (plebeians and patricians who are not in Senate) * jobs – voted/passed laws - __________ - ____________
(b) assembly * all Roman citizens (plebeians and patricians who are not in Senate) * jobs – voted/passed laws - declared war - ____________
(b) assembly * all Roman citizens (plebeians and patricians who are not in Senate) * jobs – voted/passed laws - declared war - elected consuls
Patricians made up 90% of the population.
If the plebeians worked hard enough, they could become patricians.
The last Etruscan king of Rome was named Tarquin the Proud.
Roman women were treated like property.
Patricians controlled the government.
Male patricians and female patricians got married around age 13.
A domus was nicer than an insula.
The son of Tarquin the Proud killed Lucretia.
The legislative branch of the Roman Republic made the laws.
The Roman Senate was like our Congress.
(c) ______ * _____________________ _____ * ________________ * jobs - ___________________ - ____________________ __________________ _____________________
(c) ______ * _____________________ _____ * ________________ * jobs – protected plebeian class - ____________________ __________________ _____________________
(c) tribunes * _____________________ _____ * ________________ * jobs – protected plebeian class - ____________________ __________________ _____________________
(c) tribunes * 2 to 10 men who served in Senate * ________________ * jobs – protected plebeian class - ____________________ __________________ _____________________
(c) tribunes * 2 to 10 men who served in Senate * elected by _______ * jobs – protected plebeian class - ____________________ __________________ _____________________
(c) tribunes * 2 to 10 men who served in Senate * elected by assembly * jobs – protected plebeian class - ____________________ __________________ _____________________
(c) tribunes * 2 to 10 men who served in Senate * elected by assembly * jobs - protected plebeian class - could ___ any law Senate tried to pass, esp. if it was unfair to the plebeians
(c) tribunes * 2 to 10 men who served in Senate * elected by assembly * jobs - protected plebeian class - could veto any law Senate tried to pass, esp. if it was unfair to the plebeians
The number of senators in Rome was initially a direct correlation to the number of tribes represented. In the earliest days of Rome traditionally under Romulus, when Rome consisted only of one tribe, the Ramnes, the senate consisted of one hundred members. Further incorporation of various tribes, such as the Tities and Luceres, increased accordingly the number of Senators to 300. Proposals throughout the Republic by various magistrates such as Gracchus, Livius Drusus, Sulla and Marius altered the membership from between 300 and 600. At times, prominent equestrian plebes were added en masse, or even common soldiers and freedman, as when Julius Caesar increased the senate roles to 900. With the accession of Augustus, the permanent foundation for senate numbers appears to have been fixed at 600, but this number also fluctuated throughout the empire at the whims of the emperors.
(2) __________________________
(2) _____________ – carry out laws
(2) executive branch – carry out laws
(a) _____ (like our president) * ____________________________ ____ * jobs – ___________________ _____ - ____________________ _________ - ______
(a) consuls (like our president) * ____________________________ ____ * jobs – ___________________ _____ - ____________________ _________ - ______
(a) consuls (like our president) * _ consuls – each elected for _-year term * jobs – ___________________ _____ - ____________________ _________ - ______
(a) consuls (like our president) * 2 consuls – each elected for _-year term * jobs – ___________________ _____ - ____________________ _________ - ______
(a) consuls (like our president) * 2 consuls – each elected for 1-year term * jobs – ___________________ _____ - ____________________ _________ - ______
(a) consuls (like our president) * 2 consuls – each elected for 1-year term * jobs – had to agree before law passed - ____________________ _________ - ______
(a) consuls (like our president) * 2 consuls – each elected for 1-year term * jobs – had to agree before law passed - could reject (___) laws of other consul - ______
(a) consuls (like our president) * 2 consuls – each elected for 1-year term * jobs – had to agree before law passed - could reject (veto) laws of other consul - ______
(a) consuls (like our president) * 2 consuls - each elected for 1-year term * jobs – had to agree before law passed - could reject (veto) laws of other consul - led army
(3) ___________________________ ________________________ (a) ____________________
(3) ___________ – decide if laws are broken & what punishments are (a) ____________________
(3) judicial branch – decide if laws are broken & what punishments are (a) ____________________
(3) judicial branch – decide if laws are broken & what punishments are (a) ______ – judges of Rome
(3) judicial branch – decide if laws are broken & what punishments are (a) praetors – judges of Rome
450 BCE – ___________________
450 BCE – Law of _____________
450 BCE – Law of the twelve tables
(1) ________________________ _________________________ _____________________
(1) written laws on _____ tablets placed in the __________ so all could read and memorize it
(1) written laws on bronze tablets placed in the __________ so all could read and memorize it
(1) written laws on bronze tablets placed in the Roman Forum so all could read and memorize it
(2) applied to _______________ _______
(2) applied to both ________ and _______
(2) applied to both patricians and _______
(2) applied to both patricians and plebeians
(3) big step ____________________ ____________ (a) 250 BCE - ______________ _______________________ _____________
(3) big step in the direction of a more ________ gov’t (a) 250 BCE - ______________ _______________________ _____________
(3) big step in the direction of a more democratic gov’t (a) 250 BCE - ______________ _______________________ _____________
(3) big step in the direction of a more democratic gov’t (a) 250 BCE - another big step – _______________________ _____________
(3) big step in the direction of a more democratic gov’t (a) 250 BCE - another big step – _______ were finally able to hold public office
(3) big step in the direction of a more democratic gov’t (a) 250 BCE - another big step – plebeians were finally able to hold public office
*** Note – In 27 BCE, ________ ___________________________ _____________________________
*** Note – In 27 BCE, the Roman Republic ended - ______________ _____________________________
*** Note – In 27 BCE, the Roman Republic ended – the 1st emperor, ____________, took over the gov’t
*** Note – In 27 BCE, the Roman Republic ended – the 1st emperor, Augustus Caesar, took over the gov’t
(1) Pass in Homework (2) New and Goods
(Top) 2 Consuls Preside over Senate Commander in Chief during war Supreme Judges when needed Veto power over each other Hold position 1 year
(Right) 10 Tribunes Protect rights of plebeians Veto power over laws
(Bottom Right) Assembly of Centuries Plebeians and patricians Elect Consuls Elect Censors… Elect Praetors… Could declare war or ratify peace treaties
(Bottom Left) Assembly of Tribes All plebeians Elect Tribunes Elect Questors (Treasurers) Enact laws Conduct minor trials
(Left) Senate 300 Senators Foreign and military matters Finances and public lands Appointments State religion Hold office