Proofreading Warm-up Item 1 Byron please tell us what you know about epic heros. Corrected Byron, please tell us what you know about epic heroes.
Proofreading Warm-up Item 2 The battles Homer described might of actualy took place around 1200 BC Corrected The battles Homer described might have actually taken place around 1200 B. C.
Proofreading Warm-up Item 3 The greeks they had to cross the aegean sea to attack the city of troy. Corrected The Greeks had to cross the Aegean Sea to attack the city of Troy. (they deleted)
Proofreading Warm-up Item 4 Was it really Odysseus whom come up with the wooden horse idea. Corrected Was it really Odysseus who came up with the wooden-horse idea?
Proofreading Warm-up Item 5 Whats the name of the Greek God of the Sea, asked Terrell. Corrected “What’s the name of the Greek god of the sea?” asked Terrell.
Proofreading Warm-up Item 6 Calypso a beautiful goddess holded Odysseus as a prisoner on her island for seven years Corrected Calypso, a beautiful goddess, held Odysseus as a prisoner on her island for seven years.
Proofreading Warm-up Item 7 On a small hill in Northwestern Turkey an archaeologist invented the following items, gold cups bracelets and a golden headdress. Corrected On a small hill in northwestern Turkey, an archaeologist discovered the following items: gold cups, bracelets, and a golden headdress.
Proofreading Warm-up Item 8 Him and Penelope hadnt saw each other in near twenty years. Corrected He and Penelope hadn’t seen each other in nearly twenty years.
Proofreading Warm-up Item 9 odysseus whom was the smarter of all the greek heroes had an important ally Athena Corrected Odysseus, who was the smartest of all the Greek heroes, had an important ally, Athena.
Proofreading Warm-up Item 10 In anceint greece hosts treated guests gracious, guests shown respect to they’re hosts. Corrected In ancient Greece hosts treated guests graciously, and guests showed respect to their hosts.
Proofreading Warm-up Item 11 If you need me you can find me in the Library i’ll be in the Norse mythology section. Corrected If you need me, you can find me in the library. I’ll be in the Norse mythology section.
Proofreading Warm-up Item 12 then thor and the other gods produced the larger chain ever made Corrected Then Thor and the other gods produced the largest chain ever made.
Proofreading Warm-up Item 13 Niether the first chain nor the second were strong enough to hold the wolf. Corrected Neither the first chain nor the second was strong enough to hold the wolf.