The God of the Sun. His Roman name is the same as his Greek name. Considered the most Greek of all gods. Plays his lyre to entertain the gods.
B is for Bacchus The God of Wine. Son of Zeus and a mortal woman. His mother died when Zeus appeared to her in his immortal god form, so he hid him in his thigh. He is also called Dionysus. Was raised by nymphs in the valley of Nysa.
The son of Uranus and Gaia and the father of the six great gods of Olympus. Was one of the Titans. Ate his children because he knew that one of them will overthrow him, but Zeus escaped that fate. Was overthrown by Zeus, losing his position as Lord of the Universe.
As the Goddess of Corn, she was worshipped by the woman, since they were the farmers. Her daughter Persephone was kidnapped by Hades, which made her mourn, causing Autumn and Winter. Along with Bacchus, they were worshipped together as the two great gifts of the Earth.
E is for the Erinyes Also called the Furies, they were creatures of the Underworld that punished the evil dead. Their names were Tisiphone, Megaera, and Alecto.
F is for the Fates The three Fates are said to give men at birth evil and good to have. The fates also controlled life. Clotho spun the thread of life, Lachesis assigned each man’s destiny, and Atropos cut the thread of life with the “abhorred shears”, ending a man’s life.
The wife of Uranus. She is also called Mother Earth. Like Uranus, they were both born out of Chaos. They have no parents. Helped Cronus wound Uranus, since she was mad at him for how he mistreated their children. Their children were: the Titans, the Giants, and the monsters with a hundred hands.
H is for Hestia The Goddess of the Hearth. In every city there was a public hearth for Hestia, where the fire was not allowed to go out. She is also the symbol of the home. Every meal began and ended in and offering to her.
The Goddess of the Rainbow. She is the messenger of the Gods. Besides that, not much is know about her.
J is for Juno Juno is the Roman name for Hera, Protector of Marriage. She was an extremely jealous goddess, and punished all of Zeus’s mistresses. She and Zeus had an uneasy relationship.
In the Trojan War, a lot of the warriors, both on the Greek and Trojan side, got killed. The god Apollo shot arrows from his flying chariot that got many of the Greek warriors sick. The two great warriors, Achilles and Hector, also got killed. The prince Paris, who started the war, died.
L is for Love In the beginning, Night and Erebus were born out of Chaos. And thus out of Erebus was born Love, which bought all beauty and order to banish the confusion of Chaos.
M is for the Muses There are nine muses: Clio, the Muse of History; Urania, the Muse of Astronomy; Melpomene, the Muse of Tragedy; Thalia, the Muse of Comedy; Terpsichore, the Muse of the Dance; Calliope, the Muse of Epic Poetry; Erato, the Muse of Love- Poetry, and Euterpe, the Muse of Lyric Poetry.
The Roman name for Poseidon, the Ruler of the Sea. Besides being the sea-god, he also gave the horse to man. Commonly called the “Earth-shaker’; the way the sea acted reflected on his attitude.
A Titan. He was Lord of the river Ocean, a great river that surrounded the Earth. He is the father of the Oceanids, nymphs of the great rivers, and of the Gods of all the rivers on Earth.
The daughter of Demeter. She was kidnapped by Hades and became his Queen. She is with her mom for eight months of the year, and for four months she is with Hades as Queen of the Underworld.
The wife of King Menelaus of Sparta. She was kidnapped by Prince Paris of Troy, which led to the start of the Trojan War. When Troy fell, she was sent back with Menelaus back to Troy.
The wife of Cronus, and former Queen of the Universe. She is the mother of all the main six Olympians. She helped Zeus by feeding Cronus a rock instead of Zeus when he was born.
S is for Semele She is the mother of Bacchus, and is a mortal woman. She died when Zeus appeared before her in his immortal form. Bacchus brought her back from the dead, and though a mortal woman, went to live in Olympus with the Gods and Goddesses.
T is for the Trojan War The Trojan War was a result of Paris, a Trojan Prince, stealing away with Helen, a Greek princess married to King Menelaus. It lasted for about 10 years. The three main warriors were Achilles and Odysseus, for the Greeks, and Hector, for the Trojans. The war ended with the Greek siege of Troy.
The Underworld is the realm of the dead, ruled by Hades. Cerberus, the three-headed dog, is the guard of the Underworld. It is divides into two sections: Tartarus, the prison of the dead, and Erebus, where the dead pass when they die. It is a dark and shadowy place.
Venus is the Roman name for Aphrodite, the Goddess of Love. She is the wife of Hephaestus, the God of Fire. She is the daughter of Zeus and Dione, but is also said to be born from the foam of the sea.
The Wooden Horse was used by the Greeks to sneak into Troy and siege it, ending the Trojan War. It was the work of Odysseus. When the Trojans saw it, they thought it was a gift from the Gods, which is why they let it in. The Greeks his inside it, and sneaked during the night when the Trojans went to rest.
The Xanthus, also called Scamander, is the great river of Troy. During the Trojan War, the river tried to drown Achilles as he tried to cross it, though in vain.
Y is for the Goddess of Youth The Goddess of Youth is Hebe. She sometimes appears as the cupbearer to the Gods. Not much is known about her except that she married Hercules when he died and became an immortal.
Zeus is the main God, the supreme Ruler of the Universe. He is also the Lord of the Sky. Zeus is known as a lady’s man for his many affairs with mortal woman. Some of his illegitimate offspring became famous Gods or heroes.