The linguistic and ethnic diversity of the school population in Northumberland based on school census data, January 2012
School census information is analysed in January of each academic year to identify those pupils whose heritage is Black and Minority ethnic (BME) and who are learning English as an additional language (EAL) Black and minority ethnic pupils comprise 4.5% of Northumberland’s total school population with Polish, Panjabi and Chinese speaking children as the largest groups. In January 2012 a cohort of pupils from a total of have been identified as BME The breakdown by BME group across the county is White British 95.3%, Asian 1.5%, Black 0.1%, Chinese 0.2%, Mixed 1.1%, Other Ethnic Group 0.1%, Other White 1.2% with 0.4% information not obtained/refused
83.4% of our schools have pupils whose ethnicities are other than white British 16.5 % (46) of our schools have an entirely white British pupil population
Black and minority ethnic children constitute 4.5% of the pupil population of Northumberland in 2012 This is a significant increase of 22% compared with 3.7% in January 2011 The School census data does not include the ethnicity and first language information for pupils attending the Academies in Blyth, Hirst and Berwick, where BME pupils are known to attend. 2,302 fewer pupils have been included in this analysis than in 2011, however the data demonstrates an increase of 240 BME pupils (0.5% of the entire pupil population, 13% of the BME population)
The location of black and minority communities across the County is changing and the data suggests that there has been a substantial increase of 22% in the overall percentage of BME pupils in our schools from 2011 to 2012 The educational achievement of the black and minority ethnic groups in Northumberland in 2011 was at least in line with the national average for all pupils, and is therefore not consistent with the national trend of under- achievement for certain ethnic groups
Ethnicity% of BME population Any other white background22.5% Any other Asian background17.4% Any other mixed background10% White and Asian8% Indian8% Pakistani6% Chinese5% White and Black Caribbean4.5% Bangladeshi4% White and Black African3.8% Any other ethnic group3% Gypsy/Roma2.6% Irish2% Any other Black background0.9% African0.8% Traveller of Irish heritage0.3% Caribbean0.1%
PartnershipBME pupils as a % of the LA’s BME population No. of BME pupils in partnership BME pupils as % of all pupils in partnership Alnwick8.7%1615% Ashington Trust5.4%1003% Astley2%402% Bedlington5.7%1063% Berwick3.5%643.6% Blyth5%942.7% Coquet1.5%291.8% Cramlington6%1142.5% Haydon Bridge3%552.7% Hexham7.5%1384% Morpeth11%2045.5% Ponteland18.5% % Prudhoe5.6%1044% Roman Catholic16%2999%
Type of schoolNo. of BME pupils% of the population of that phase or type of school % of Northumberland’s BME pupil population First7876%42% Primary2174%8% Middle4014.5%22% Secondary622%3% High3693.5%20% Special153%0.8%
In the case of 103 pupils who attend schools in Northumberland, parents have refused to supply information about ethnicity for school census purposes There are currently 61 heritage languages spoken by children in Northumberland schools. Children who speak English as an additional language comprise 1.5% of the pupil population 40% of our schools have no EAL pupils, and 60% have at least one pupil speaking English as an additional language
PartnershipNumber of EAL pupils % of EAL pupil population Ranked by % of EAL pupils taught Alnwick365.6%7 Astley81.25%13 Ashington457%5 Bedlington193%10 Berwick6610%3 Blyth386%6 JC Spence/Coquet111.7%12 Cramlington284.4%9 Haydon Bridge121.8%11 Hexham345%8 Morpeth599%4 Ponteland15925%1 Prudhoe386%6 Roman Catholic7612%2 Special61%14
10 most spoken heritage languages in Northumberland % of EAL pupil population who speak the language Polish14% Chinese11% Panjabi10% Bengali9% Urdu7% Tagalog/Filipino5% Other than English4% Malayalam3% German2.8% Arabic2.6%
The most significant numbers of BME pupils are taught in the schools in the Ponteland partnership The smallest numbers of BME or EAL children are taught in the Coquet and Astley partnerships of schools, and special schools have fewest of all First schools have the highest percentage of their pupil population from BME backgrounds (4%) and secondary schools the least (2%) Schools in the Roman Catholic Partnership teach 16% of the county’s BME children The most significant numbers of BME pupils are taught in the schools in the Ponteland partnership The smallest numbers of BME or EAL children are taught in the Coquet and Astley partnerships of schools, and special schools have fewest of all First schools have the highest percentage of their pupil population from BME backgrounds (4%) and secondary schools the least (2%) Schools in the Roman Catholic Partnership teach 16% of the county’s BME children