Notes for September 8, 2015 Mrs.. White
Do Now: September 8, 2015 Capitalization!! 1. the most commonly spoken language in the world is mandarin chinese. 2. the smallest independent country in the world is the state of the vatican city within the city of rome.
Objective and Agenda I will further master my ability to find the main idea in a historical text. 1. Do Now/HW 2. STANDARDS 3. P The European Heritage 4. Main Idea Template 5. P. 24- Greek and Roman Traditions 6. Main Idea Template 7. Exit
HW: Complete a Main Idea Template for the worksheet provided.
Standards All work must have the following: Heading with name (both), hour, date and page number. The question must be restated in your answer. Must be written using complete sentences.
P. 22- The European Heritage
P. 24- Greece and Rome
Do Now: September 9, 2015 Capitalization the two longest rivers in the world are the amazon river, flowing into the atlantic ocean, and the nile river, flowing into the mediterranean sea.
Objective and Agenda I will further master my ability to find the main idea in a historical text. 1. Do Now/HW/Tutoring 2. Catch-Up 3. P. 27- An Age of Exploration Begins 4. Main Idea Quiz 5. P Visual Preview 6. Exit
HW!! Complete missing work!! All missing work is due on Monday!!!
P. 27- An Age of Exploration Begins
Do Now: September 10, 2015 Capitalization the events of september 11, 2001 took place in new york city, washington, d.c. and pennsylvania.
Objective and Agenda I will further master my ability to apply what I learned from visuals to a historical issue. 1. Do Now/HW 2. Infograph 3. Inside 9/11 4. Take Notes 5. Exit
HW Complete a missing assignment!!! All missing assignments are due on Monday!!!!
Infograph years-later.php years-later.php