Grant Writing – Approach What if you don’t get anticipated results? Limitations Timeline Emelia J. Benjamin, MD, ScM The NHLBI’s Framingham Heart Study Boston University School of Medicine No industry relationships to disclose ♥2R01HL ♥1P50 HL ♥N01-HC 25195
Approach Order – Elements Rationale Hypothesis Preliminary results Methods Sample Design Statistical analysis Power Anticipated results Possible problems and potential solutions Read grant from paragraph headings
Approach Expected Outcomes Outline for each aim Purpose Synthesizes each of the aim’s outcomes Reinforces how aim advances field – ROI Provides reviewer reassurance that you have back up plan if outcome not met
Approach Potential Problems Alternative Strategies Purpose Demonstrates awareness of limitations Resilience Types of problems Generalizability Multiple testing Misclassification Confounding Over-adjusting Changing technology Temporality Bias Causality Specific assay Correct model Enrollment problems
Approach Timeline Purpose Gives reviewers perspective/flow of work Pitfalls Illogical sequence Not grounded in Specific Aims Over-ambitious Under-ambitious Absent timeline