South East Coast Postgraduate Deanery for Kent, Surrey and Sussex Quality and Educational Governance in Postgraduate Medical Education and Training PMET: Working together in KSS Deanery Dr Pam Shaw Deputy Head of Education, KSS Deanery
South East Coast Postgraduate Deanery for Kent, Surrey and Sussex Quality and Educational Governance in Postgraduate Medical Education and Training Held in Transition Not lost in translation PMETB GEAR/ LAB/ LFG PMET in Transition
South East Coast Postgraduate Deanery for Kent, Surrey and Sussex Quality and Educational Governance in Postgraduate Medical Education and Training quality assurance – the responsibility of PMETB quality management – the responsibility of postgraduate deaneries quality control – the responsibility of local education providers (LEPs) PMET Quality Framework
South East Coast Postgraduate Deanery for Kent, Surrey and Sussex Quality and Educational Governance in Postgraduate Medical Education and Training KSS Quality Management/Control in Local Education Providers (LEPs) Created Local Faculty Groups to implement Foundation Programme – focus on producing Student Handbook LFGs review trainee progress 3 x pa and also consider Faculty CPD (QESP) needs Education Adviser supported LFGs LFGs ditto for 8 Specialties – but too many to use as a unit of management Thus, created Local Academic Boards to manage LFGs in each Trust Funding to support Faculty Administrators Crucial role of MEM/Academic Registrar
South East Coast Postgraduate Deanery for Kent, Surrey and Sussex Quality and Educational Governance in Postgraduate Medical Education and Training KSS Deanery Royal Colleges MMC Schools NHS Trust Local Academic Board DME (Chair); MEM; LKSM; Medical Director; HR; IT; etc Deanery: Education Advisers and Associate Dean Meets three times a year: Takes Reports from Faculty Groups, Manages Quality Control and Academic Faculty Development Local Faculty Groups Meet three times a year to review and report on every trainee and on own development needs The Infrastructure
South East Coast Postgraduate Deanery for Kent, Surrey and Sussex Quality and Educational Governance in Postgraduate Medical Education and Training PMET in Transition PMETB Deanery Trusts Mandated Specialty Curricula/ Educational Governance/GEAR Local Infrastructure: LAB LFG Specialty Schools: Trainees in Difficulties Careers Management Qualified Educational Supervisor Programme (QESP) PMETB: Standards for Trainers Standards for Curriculum Standards for Assessment ACCOUNTABILITYACCOUNTABILITY
South East Coast Postgraduate Deanery for Kent, Surrey and Sussex Quality and Educational Governance in Postgraduate Medical Education and Training GEAR Have developed Graduate Education and Assessment Regulations [GEAR] as used in mainstream HE for LFGs & LABs Mapped GEAR to all GMC & PMETB standards Comprises local Quality Control for PGME Academic Registrar role in LEP
South East Coast Postgraduate Deanery for Kent, Surrey and Sussex Quality and Educational Governance in Postgraduate Medical Education and Training Local Academic Board (LAB) Annual Audit and Review
South East Coast Postgraduate Deanery for Kent, Surrey and Sussex Quality and Educational Governance in Postgraduate Medical Education and Training Local Faculty Group (LFG) Annual Audit and Review
South East Coast Postgraduate Deanery for Kent, Surrey and Sussex Quality and Educational Governance in Postgraduate Medical Education and Training Local Faculty Group (LFG) Handbook
South East Coast Postgraduate Deanery for Kent, Surrey and Sussex Quality and Educational Governance in Postgraduate Medical Education and Training 7 Consultant Education Advisers (CEA) for Local Faculty Groups Senior HEI/University Professionals with a QAA remit Each working with LFGs and Academic Registrars to develop LFG practice locally Support for LFG Audit reviews Attend each LFG meeting Write action plan mapped to PMETB domains Disseminate good practice
South East Coast Postgraduate Deanery for Kent, Surrey and Sussex Quality and Educational Governance in Postgraduate Medical Education and Training Local Faculty Group Annual Audit and Review
South East Coast Postgraduate Deanery for Kent, Surrey and Sussex Quality and Educational Governance in Postgraduate Medical Education and Training Held in Transition Not Lost in Translation 1. PMETB Visit to KSS Deanery May 2009 The Deanery has clearly mapped its expectations of local education providers (LEPs) against the PMETB domains through its Graduate Education and Assessment Regulations (GEAR) structure. This structure of local academic boards (LABs) and local faculty groups (LFGs) is ideally placed to monitor all aspects of patient safety both at trust level, and in the reporting arrangements to the Deanery.
South East Coast Postgraduate Deanery for Kent, Surrey and Sussex Quality and Educational Governance in Postgraduate Medical Education and Training Held in Transition Not Lost in Translation 2. Sophisticated Change effort genuine investment in structures designed to contain and address issues pertaining to the change effort appreciation of how much time people must devote to bringing change about in any sophisticated change management [Krantz 2001] it is crucial that there is a realistic thoughtful grounded functioning which includes:
South East Coast Postgraduate Deanery for Kent, Surrey and Sussex Quality and Educational Governance in Postgraduate Medical Education and Training Held in Transition Not Lost in Translation 3. Held in transition by structure: LABs / LFGs/ Governance / GEAR and people re-imagining their roles with new authority – Academic Registrar / Local Faculty Administrators at LEP level and with support from CEAs fro LFG
South East Coast Postgraduate Deanery for Kent, Surrey and Sussex Quality and Educational Governance in Postgraduate Medical Education and Training Future work for CEAs Curriculum mapping in 4 specialties as a pilot Working with LFG chairs, Academic Registrars/Faculty Administrators & Training Programme Directors Take Home Message A multi-layered change process