By: Sarah Kuenkel
Dolphins’ echolocation is helpful and amazing in many ways. They use echolocation to communicate just like people use words to communicate. Echolocation is a sonar system.
They release a focused beam of clicking sounds (sound waves) and then listen to the echo. From this they can tell what an object is (fish, shark, other dolphins). They can tell all of the characteristics such as size, shape, distance, speed, direction, and internal structure.
Echolocation lets the dolphin see in a much more complex way than it might seem. Underwater, dolphins’ echolocation travels 5 times faster than in air.
It is believed that dolphin echolocation was the evolution over time. It has been identified by humans that they can actually feel the buzz from the dolphin echolocation when they are in the water around them. They can’t hear it, but they can feel it.
To learn more about dolphins, just go to and type in dolphins. There you will find websites, pictures, facts, and myths.
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