The World of Ms. K. Smith Welcome to 6 th grade!!
The Basics…. I’m 27 years old. I live in Columbus County, but spent some of my childhood here!
Education High School West Columbus High School Home of the Vikings!!
Education College East Carolina University— I graduated with a degree in Elementary Education Home of “Petey the Pirate.”
Teaching Career I’ve been teaching 6 th grade for 4 and ½ years. Before teaching sixth grade, I was a preschool teacher.
My Family My family consists of my dog ……….. Ninja Lee Smith
My Family And my baby boy Kameron J. Smith Also known as Kam!!
Who is a BIG BOY now!
Music is in me! I love music and dancing. My two specialties are
My Favorites Favorite Movie Favorite Book Series
My Favorites Favorite Singer Favorite Rapper (s)
Favorite Colors Favorite Animal Favorite Dessert
Things I’m obsessed about…. Polka Dots Glitter Team Jacob Pirate Football Carolina Basketball Feathers The Lightning Thief Series Smurfs
I’m super excited to be one of your teachers this year. I plan on making reading and writing FUN!! I’m here if you ever need me! Anything else you want to know??
QUIZ TIME!!! I HOPE YOU HAVE BEEN PAYING ATTENTION…GET READY FOR YOUR FIRST QUIZ OF THE YEAR!! Take out one sheet of paper and put your name in the top right hand corner. No cheating!!
Question #1 This is Ms. Smith’s _______ year of teaching.
Question#2 Before teaching 6 th grade, Ms. Smith taught which grade?
Question #3 What is the name of my college mascot??
Question #4 What is the name of my pet?
Question #5 Name one instrument that Ms. Smith knows how to play. Bonus point if you can name the other instrument.
Question #6 Who are two of Ms. Smith’s favorite musicians? (two names)
Question #7 List as many of Ms. Smith’s favorites as you can. 1 point for each favorite.