Office of Science U.S. Department of Energy 1 ILC R&D Program Dr. David Sutter, Senior Program Manager Office of High Energy Physics Office of Science.


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Presentation transcript:

Office of Science U.S. Department of Energy 1 ILC R&D Program Dr. David Sutter, Senior Program Manager Office of High Energy Physics Office of Science March 8-9, 2005

Office of Science U.S. Department of Energy Goal and Priority Goal: Carry out the U.S. preconstruction R&D required to position the ILC for the start of construction. This means:  Focus on improved performance  Focus on establishing an international management structure/laboratory to build and run ILC  Focus on reducing cost!  Focus on bringing ILC to the U.S. Priority: Very High!!!

Office of Science U.S. Department of Energy International Status  In FY04 ICFA’s ILC Technical Review Panel’s R-1 goals were met by both the warm and cold designs. Therefore, the ILC could be built with either technology.  In FY04 the USLCSG completed a comparative design and cost study of a cold and warm ILC design – positioning the U.S. to go either way.  In FY04 the ILCSC’s International Technology Recommendation Panel (ITRP) recommended that the ILC be built using cold technology. ITRP recommended the cold technology, not the DESY design. A new conceptual design must be done using the best technology from both the cold and warm designs. The ITRP urged a strong R&D program directed at increasing E z in superconducting rf cavities.  ICFA approved an organizational structure for the international ILC international organization, the Global Design Effort, to manage the preconstruction R&D.

Office of Science U.S. Department of Energy Linear Collider – Global Organization Organization Chart – The Global Design Effort

Office of Science U.S. Department of Energy Cost Model - Preconstruction R&D Period

Office of Science U.S. Department of Energy Schedule Model for the ILC

Office of Science U.S. Department of Energy ILC – International Issues  Making the GDE operational – ASAP  Barish has accepted  GDE Central Office site & team – where & when?  Organize work packages  R&D Plan – for how many years? – U.S. Govt. has to say!  Conceptual Design – Need to prepare an R&D Plan

Office of Science U.S. Department of Energy ILC America Status  Draft R&D Plan done – the cap is gone!  ILC America organization – In progress!  U.S. well positioned to proceed with a cold design  Developing work packages  Paul Grannis to be DOE Program Manager!!  U.S. laboratories- - An impression: moving ahead in all directions!!!!

Office of Science U.S. Department of Energy ILC America Issues  Making ILC America operational – ASAP (July 05?) −DOE/NSF Approval of organizational Structure −Director Selection – ASAP (the person in charge!)  ILC America contribution to global R&D Plan −U.S. Govt. must set the time scale  what kind of R&D Plan!  Bridging FY06 at SLAC: −$8.5M to SLAC, $8.5M to Fermilab, $8.0M in DOE −SLAC ILC in-house funds in FY05 = $15.2M −To avoid losing large piece of team in FY06, need ~$6.5M of the $8M in Washington – Unlikely!!!

Office of Science U.S. Department of Energy ILC America Funding Profile FY 99 – 03FY04FY05FY06FY07 DOE $19.2/yr DOE HQ FNAL 3.0/yr ? SLAC 16.2/yr ? BNL ?.3.4 ? ? LBNL ?.7.3 ? ? LLNL ? ? ? TJNAF et al ? ? University ? ? FNAL Per DOE ? FNAL per Stanfield ? FNAL per Internal budget (M.P.)