Office of Science U.S. Department of Energy 1 ILC R&D Program Dr. David Sutter, Senior Program Manager Office of High Energy Physics Office of Science March 8-9, 2005
Office of Science U.S. Department of Energy Goal and Priority Goal: Carry out the U.S. preconstruction R&D required to position the ILC for the start of construction. This means: Focus on improved performance Focus on establishing an international management structure/laboratory to build and run ILC Focus on reducing cost! Focus on bringing ILC to the U.S. Priority: Very High!!!
Office of Science U.S. Department of Energy International Status In FY04 ICFA’s ILC Technical Review Panel’s R-1 goals were met by both the warm and cold designs. Therefore, the ILC could be built with either technology. In FY04 the USLCSG completed a comparative design and cost study of a cold and warm ILC design – positioning the U.S. to go either way. In FY04 the ILCSC’s International Technology Recommendation Panel (ITRP) recommended that the ILC be built using cold technology. ITRP recommended the cold technology, not the DESY design. A new conceptual design must be done using the best technology from both the cold and warm designs. The ITRP urged a strong R&D program directed at increasing E z in superconducting rf cavities. ICFA approved an organizational structure for the international ILC international organization, the Global Design Effort, to manage the preconstruction R&D.
Office of Science U.S. Department of Energy Linear Collider – Global Organization Organization Chart – The Global Design Effort
Office of Science U.S. Department of Energy Cost Model - Preconstruction R&D Period
Office of Science U.S. Department of Energy Schedule Model for the ILC
Office of Science U.S. Department of Energy ILC – International Issues Making the GDE operational – ASAP Barish has accepted GDE Central Office site & team – where & when? Organize work packages R&D Plan – for how many years? – U.S. Govt. has to say! Conceptual Design – Need to prepare an R&D Plan
Office of Science U.S. Department of Energy ILC America Status Draft R&D Plan done – the cap is gone! ILC America organization – In progress! U.S. well positioned to proceed with a cold design Developing work packages Paul Grannis to be DOE Program Manager!! U.S. laboratories- - An impression: moving ahead in all directions!!!!
Office of Science U.S. Department of Energy ILC America Issues Making ILC America operational – ASAP (July 05?) −DOE/NSF Approval of organizational Structure −Director Selection – ASAP (the person in charge!) ILC America contribution to global R&D Plan −U.S. Govt. must set the time scale what kind of R&D Plan! Bridging FY06 at SLAC: −$8.5M to SLAC, $8.5M to Fermilab, $8.0M in DOE −SLAC ILC in-house funds in FY05 = $15.2M −To avoid losing large piece of team in FY06, need ~$6.5M of the $8M in Washington – Unlikely!!!
Office of Science U.S. Department of Energy ILC America Funding Profile FY 99 – 03FY04FY05FY06FY07 DOE $19.2/yr DOE HQ FNAL 3.0/yr ? SLAC 16.2/yr ? BNL ?.3.4 ? ? LBNL ?.7.3 ? ? LLNL ? ? ? TJNAF et al ? ? University ? ? FNAL Per DOE ? FNAL per Stanfield ? FNAL per Internal budget (M.P.)