Journal 3/23 and 3/24 PRE-TEST
The French Revolution Chapter 18
Social Class System in France ____ Estate – Clergy: ____ Estate – Nobility: ____ Estate – Mostly ______ – Bourgeoisie (boor zhwah zee) : 1 st Estate 3% 2 nd Estate 3 rd Estate 97%
Estates-General _______ body All social groups _____ – BUT….each group had __ vote Most ____not represented – Bourgeoisie ________ third estate
National Assembly Third Estate wanted to change the _______ Third Estate ______ themselves as: Claimed to ______ the people of _______ Tennis Court _____ – Promised to create a new _________
Seize of the Bastille Bastille is a: Approximately 800 ______ – Demanded _____ and _______ Significance – Wake-up call to __________ – People of _______ tired of the ______ by the ______
In-Class Activity / Homework Create a time-line about the most important events leading up to and during the French Revolution ( ) Must have 10 events – Each event must have a picture with color – Can do up to 5 extra events for extra credit – Explain why you think those 10 events are the most important events leading up to or during the French Revolution 30 points – 1 point per event – 1 point per picture – 1 point per explanation
Journal 3/25 and 3/26 Turn to Page 584 – Read the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen – Does “man” refer to all men and women? – What does number 6 proclaim? Is this for men and women? – What other document(s) does this Declaration resemble?
Economic Crisis Famine: The “Great _____” – _____ about attacks on towns spread _____ Peasants were ______ and _______ – Acted out by _____ grain and _____down:
1 st Phase = National Assembly Nobles agreed to ___ privileges Now all had to pay ____ __________ feudalism Created the: – All _____ created _______ (Enlightenment goal) – _______ not included
March on Versailles 6000 _____ marched from ______ to Versailles Most ______ with: Women _________ that: – The ______ family became :
The Constitution of 1791 ________ a _______ monarchy __________ Assembly created – Make ______ – Collect _____ – Decided on issues regarding: Separated _______ and _______ _______ given to the _______ – Free-elections
In-Class Activity / Homework Create a time-line about the most important events leading up to and during the French Revolution ( ) Must have 10 events – Each event must have a picture with color – Can do up to 5 extra events for extra credit – Explain why you think those 10 events are the most important events leading up to or during the French Revolution 30 points – 1 point per event – 1 point per picture – 1 point per explanation
Journal 3/30 and 3/31 Read Comparing Viewpoints on Page 586, regarding the execution of Louis XVI – What were the arguments for his execution? – What were the arguments against his execution?
Becoming more Radical Sans-culottes – _________ men and women who turned : _________ controlled the ______________ – Demanded a ______ The National Assembly: – _______ first – Then ________ and _______
2 nd Phase = Radical Phase _______phase: – _________ executed – Maximilien Robespierre responsible for: If the ______ is right, then the ________ is wrong Eventually, he was ______
Radicals Control Assembly A new _______ body was established: All ______ given right to ____ – Est. a French _______ Established the: – Issued a _____ whom all had to:
In-Class Activity / Homework Time-line – Due Next class period Study for Map Quiz
Journal 4/1 and 4/2 Chapter Test: – Even days = 4/8 (Next Wednesday) – Odd days = 4/9 (Next Thursday)
3 rd Phase = Directory Phase A New _______ – ____ man Directory established – ____ House Legislature – Weakness: Gains _____ with Prussia and Spain
Still Chaotic _______ feelings remain ________ still rioting Emigrants _______ Leaders want _____ reform and _______ toleration _________________ steps up to be leader
The Age of Napoleon Named himself: But people ___________ him __________ Code – New code of _______ – ____________ ideas 1. _________ 2. ________ toleration 3. Abolished of _________
Building an Empire Effectively used _______ Controlled most of _______ through __________ and by: Wants _________, but fails – __________ System:
In-Class Activity / Homework Map
Journal 4/6 and 4/7
Napoleon’s Accomplishments Strengthened central government Reformed economy – Est. public schools – Built new roads and canals Made peace with Church Opened new jobs to all- based on talent rather than social class Napoleonic codes – equality of all citizens, except women
Napoleon’s fall and legacy Napoleon wants Russia–loses badly – leads to downfall of Napoleon Legacy – Free-election – People gained - Property rights - Education – Nationalism throughout Europe – Abolished HRE, which turned into Germany – Sold Louisiana Territory to U.S. – which doubled the size of the U.S. and led to expansion
Congress of Vienna Meeting of European Leaders Lasted 10 months Goal = create peace by est. a balance of power and protecting the monarchy Re-drew map of Europe Legimitcay promoted – restored hereditary monarchy
Effects of Napoleon and the F.R. 1. Removed ___________ 2. Church lost _______ 3. Created ________ throughout Europe 4. Established state ________ 5. Organized ________ 6. Abolished _________ in the:
In-Class Activity/Homework Key Terms / Key People Study for test