IEEE MEDIA INDEPENDENT HANDOVER DCN: Title: Amendments for Event Register Date Submitted: July, 10, 2006 Presented at IEEE session #15 in San Diego Authors or Source(s): Zhuang Hongcheng , Zhang Jietao Abstract: This document proposes an amendment for event register. MIH users can take more appropriate actions according to the result codes when event register succeeds or fails.
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Background and Problem Background Higher layer entities can register to receive event notifications from a particular event source. These services facilitate Mobile terminal or Network controlled handover. Problem In the register process, it is possible that some events couldn’t be registered correctly, but there are no primitives or methods to notify MIH user about the failure reasons in the current draft standard. For example, link event register maybe fail because of disappearance of the event source or other reasons.
Amendment of MIH_Event_Register.response Primitives (1) Section MIH_Event_Register Response The response indicates which of the event types were successfully registered or why they were registered unsuccessfully. NameType ResponseEventListEvent List (255) ResultCodeListResult Codes List
Result Code Reason CodeDescription 0Successful RegisteredThis code indicates that the event is registered successfully 1Event ID InvalidThe Event ID Number is invalid 2~12Reserved 13~15UnspecifiedVendor Specific reason code The Result Codes can be defined as the following.
Amendment of Link_Event_Register.confirm Primitives (2) Section7.3.4 MIH Event Register: The primitive parameters are as follows: Link_Event_Register.confirm ( ResponseEventList ResultCodeList ) NameTypeValid RangeDescription ResponseEvent List Set of Event IDsSet of valid link events List of link layer events ResultCodeListSet of Result Codes Set of valid result codes List of event registration status