…. “In Him you have been made complete.” Col 2:10 Textual Studies From Paul’s Letter To The Colossians.


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Presentation transcript:

“In Him you have been made complete.” Col 2:10 Textual Studies From Paul’s Letter To The Colossians

Basic Outline –  Opening greetings & admonitions 1:1-12  Description of the Christ in Whom every man can be “complete” 1:13 – 2:23  Instructions on how those “complete” in Christ are to live 3:1 – 4:6  Closing personal remarks 4:7-18 Complete In Christ Textual Studies In Colossians Lesson 1 – General Introduction

Blessings in the complete Christ… Who He is 1:14-23 Complete In Christ Textual Studies In Colossians Lesson 3 – Christ In Whom We’re Complete “Through Him” is reconciliation 1:19-23  Everything can be restored back to God  In Him dwells all fullness cp. 2:9  Those alienated can be brought back

Blessings in the complete Christ… Who He is 1:14-23 Complete In Christ Textual Studies In Colossians Lesson 3 – Christ In Whom We’re Complete “Through Him” is reconciliation 1:19-23  There can be peace through His cross  The alienated & hostile can become holy, blameless, and beyond reproach

Blessings in the complete Christ… Who He is 1:14-23 Complete In Christ Textual Studies In Colossians Lesson 3 – Christ In Whom We’re Complete “Through Him” is reconciliation 1:19-23  Reconciliation is conditional Ù if  Must continue in the faith…must not be moved away from hope of the gospel

Paul’s present circumstances 1:24  He “rejoiced in his sufferings” v. 24a  What he was suffering in prison had actually presented opportunities for the gospel Phil 1:12-18 Complete In Christ Textual Studies In Colossians Lesson 3 – Christ In Whom We’re Complete

Paul’s present circumstances 1:24  It filled up what was lacking” v. 24b  Paul saw his imprisonment as an opportunity to provide what was lacking on his part  A challenging text…translations vary Complete In Christ Textual Studies In Colossians Lesson 3 – Christ In Whom We’re Complete

and fill up that which is behind of the afflictions of Christ in my flesh for his body's sake, which is the church KJV and fill up in my flesh what is lacking in the afflictions of Christ, for the sake of His body, which is the church NKJV and in my flesh I do my share on behalf of His body (which is the church) in filling up that which is lacking in Christ's afflictions. NASV

Paul’s present circumstances 1:24  It filled up what was lacking” v. 24b  If not careful, one could understand the text as giving the impression something was lacking in Christ’s afflictions  A false idea Heb 10:11-14 Complete In Christ Textual Studies In Colossians Lesson 3 – Christ In Whom We’re Complete

Now I rejoice in the (my) sufferings on behalf of you, and fill up the things lacking of the afflictions of Christ in the flesh of me on behalf of the body of Him, which is the church… Literal word-for-word translation from Greek to English of Col 1:24  Whose afflictions?

Now I rejoice in the (my) sufferings on behalf of you, and fill up the things lacking of the afflictions of Christ in the flesh of me on behalf of the body of Him, which is the church… Literal word-for-word translation from Greek to English of Col 1:24  Whose afflictions?Paul’s…not Christ’s  Emphasis is on Paul’s attitude – He had already done so much 2 Cor 11:23-28 – He was currently doing a lot (imprisoned again)

Now I rejoice in the (my) sufferings on behalf of you, and fill up the things lacking of the afflictions of Christ in the flesh of me on behalf of the body of Him, which is the church… Literal word-for-word translation from Greek to English of Col 1:24  Whose afflictions?Paul’s…not Christ’s  Emphasis is on Paul’s attitude – No matter what he had already done, he was always looking to do more

Paul’s present circumstances 1:24  Does the Christian suffer with Christ?  Yes…those who encounter & endure ill-treatment are said to “suffer with” the Lord  A “sharing” with His sufferings Rom 8:12-17 Phil 3:10 1 Pet 2: :12-13 Complete In Christ Textual Studies In Colossians Lesson 3 – Christ In Whom We’re Complete

Paul’s work for the body 1:25-29  He was made a “minister according to God’s stewardship” v. 25  For the Gentiles’ sake Acts 9:15-16  His ministry = preach the gospel, the “mystery hidden for ages…Christ in you, the hope of glory” vv Complete In Christ Textual Studies In Colossians Lesson 3 – Christ In Whom We’re Complete

Paul’s work for the body 1:25-29  The N.T. = a “mystery” hidden in the mind of God until completely revealed Mk 4:10-12 Eph 3:1-9  “Christ in you…the hope of glory”  The pervading influence of Him, His word Eph 3:17 Col 3:16 Complete In Christ Textual Studies In Colossians Lesson 3 – Christ In Whom We’re Complete

Paul’s work for the body 1:25-29  The N.T. = a “mystery” hidden in the mind of God until completely revealed Mk 4:10-12 Eph 3:1-9  “Christ in you…the hope of glory”  The only hope we have 1 Tim 1:1 Eph 2:11-12 Complete In Christ Textual Studies In Colossians Lesson 3 – Christ In Whom We’re Complete

Paul’s work for the body 1:25-29  He “…proclaimed Christ, admonishing and teaching every man” v. 28a  “Admonish” = warn re: danger  “Teach” = instruct re: the Christ previously described 1:14-23 Complete In Christ Textual Studies In Colossians Lesson 3 – Christ In Whom We’re Complete

Paul’s work for the body 1:25-29  His goal Ù “…present every man complete in Christ” v. 28b  Theme of the epistle 2:10  Paul “strived” in this, using the power that mightily worked in him v. 29  Origin of our word “agonize” Complete In Christ Textual Studies In Colossians Lesson 3 – Christ In Whom We’re Complete

Paul’s work for Colossae 2:1-3  Re: them, the Laodiceans, & all others who had never seen his face v. 1  A “struggle” to “…knit them together in love” v. 2a  Preaching draws men to God  It also draws, binds believers together Complete In Christ Textual Studies In Colossians Lesson 3 – Christ In Whom We’re Complete

Paul’s work for Colossae 2:1-3  Re: them, the Laodiceans, & all others who had never seen his face v. 1  A “struggle” to “…knit them together in love” v. 2a  It produces a “bond of unity” cp. 2:19 3:14 Eph 4:3, 13, 16 Complete In Christ Textual Studies In Colossians Lesson 3 – Christ In Whom We’re Complete

“Twin Epistle” Comparison Col 2:19 Eph 4:16 …and not holding fast to the head, from whom the entire body, being supplied and held together by the joints and ligaments, grows with a growth which is from God. from whom the whole body, being fitted and held together by that which every joint supplies, according to the proper working of each individual part, causes the growth of the body for the building up of itself in love.