Philippians The Mind of Christ
Through one man Christ, as creator, gave life to man. (Physical & Spiritual) oDeath entered through man. (Rom. 5:12; I Cor. 15:21) oChrist, the restorer, brings regeneration to man.
Of Sin and Death Death is a result of sin. –It is a penalty for sin.
Three facets of death Physical death. Spiritual death. The second death.
Separation Death is separation, to be separated from. –Physical death is the separation of soul and spirit from the body. –Spiritual death is the separation of soul and spirit from God. –The Second death is perpetual separation from God.
Death Physical death follows Spiritual death (and dying you shall die). The second death is the final phase. Rev. 20:12-15
The Divine Remedy The Divine remedy for spiritual death is Regeneration. The Divine remedy for physical death is Resurrection. There is no remedy, Divine or otherwise, for the second death.
Romans 8:35-39 Our union with Christ liberates us from the power - the stain of death.
Vavasor Powell The fear of death is engrafted in the common nature of all men, but faith works it out of Christians.