Integrative Assignments Standards – translating to action Expectation for grade level Principles of Learning Why we do what we do, and how we do it Theories of Motivation Instructional Strategies
STRATEGIES… Nothing to it! We just have to figure out what we can use: To get the message across To engage students in meaningful learning Teach to working memory Facilitate storage to LTM Connections for retrieval!
CONTENT – PROCESS – PRODUCT Sandra Kaplan - The “GRID” Visual organization Content The WHAT Process The HOW Product END result
Content Referring to your unit plan What do you want them to do, learn, know, demonstrate? List objectives in terms of observable behaviors and products.
PROCESS What principles of effective instruction do I need to mobilize here? How will the lessons teach to working memory? What do I need to know about my learners? What do I need to know about the task(s)? Review strategies we will discuss in class – Make the best choice In practice, we do this in our heads, often automatically!
PROCESS Until you’ve done it a few times, always have a “plan B.” Plan 1½ to 2 times more than you think you will need. If your students are absorbing and understanding quickly, you can move right in to the new material Assuming you have allowed for cognitive overload. SAY< SEE< DO --- Do something with what you have just taught. Make them process it!
PRODUCT What is the product you will use for assessment? Presentation Test Project Paper Video Portfolio
PRODUCT How will you measure progress? Rubric? Master? What do you consider Mastery? How will your students demonstrate mastery?
FEEDBACK! What else is needed after you have taught the unit? How did it go? What may have to be changed next time I teach this unit? Did I meet my objectives? Did my students enjoy the unit?
DIFFERENTIATION Teaching multiple levels in the same classroom. Using BLOOM’S TAXONOMY
Unit of Learning Topic, Theme, or Issue CONTENT Knowledge Comprehension Application Analysis Synthesis Evaluation PRODUCT
Iditarod CONTENT Knowledge Comprehension Application Analysis 4th – 5th grade Sandra Kaplan, creator of the GRID CONTENT Knowledge Comprehension Application Analysis Synthesis Evaluation PRODUCT GEOGRAPHY Name 5 geographical features of Alaska Create a topographic map of the geography of Alaska Compare/ contrast features of Alaska to Colorado and develop a graph Research and design a trip to Alaska Debate going to Hawaii or Alaska Trip Topo Maps Graphs Debate WEATHER List 4 different types of weather in Alaska Complete an experiment that shows the weather patterns in Alaska Compare winter weather in Alaska to weather in Colorado and develop a video of the comparison Make a videotape of a weather forecast in Alaska for the next race Develop forecasting techniques and develop a presentation Experiment Videotape Weather forecast Presentation BIOGRAPHIES of Mushers List 5 mushers that have won the Iditarod Make a model of a sled that is used in the race Compare women to men mushers & show your conclusions in a biographical sketch Compose a biography of a winning musher Develop the criteria and decide who is the best musher. Present findings in a press conference Press Conference Model Sketch Biography RACE Write an editorial describing a brief history of the race Use the history of the Iditarod to make a learning center Arrange a time line comparing the history of Alaska and Colorado Compare/contrast the Colorado gold rush & the Alaskan gold rush. Share your results in a dance Predict the next winner of the Iditarod through the development of criteria and a grid Grid Learning Center Time Line Dance Editorial
Periodic Table CONTENT Knowledge Comprehension Application Analysis Mid - HS Chemistry Sandra Kaplan, creator of the GRID CONTENT Knowledge Comprehension Application Analysis Synthesis Evaluation PRODUCTS Periodic Table Make a table of elements in which you explain the information in the squares fop the first 15 elements W Develop a alien periodic list of fictitious properties. done as a V poster of an table from a elements and their This could be hyper card stack W T Research and design what the missing elements might look like. Develop a new entry V W T Debate the placement of the missing elements O T V Table Poster Entry in PT Debate Sub-Atomic Particles (SAP) List and describe at least five different SAP’s W T Complete a model of the major SAPs using the Halogen series as your reference. Your choice of media V K W T O Compare and contrast SAPs and develop a graphic representation W T V Develop a dictionary of SAPs with information from multiple theories. Present to the class O W T V Debate “what we haven’t found” OR Develop a theory of a new SAP O W T List Model Graphic Dictionary Theory / debate Biographies (History) List five people who developed periodic tables and explain their models Make a model of one historical view of the atom V K Compare and contrast early models of atoms and show your conclusion in a graph W V Write a biography of a current researcher or theorist in sub-atomic physics using 3 different sources Predict a new SAP or summarize a theory you like best in a presentation W V O T List / table Graph Biography presentation Chemical Bonding List, draw, and describe three major chemical bonds W T V Develop a game to teach chemical bonding K W T Develop a graph to show bonds and mechanisms related to electrons T V W Compare and contrast ionic, covalent, polar bonds. Create a ball game or a dance to illustrate K T W V O Predict if bonding may be different in zero-G. Show predicted changes in a PP presentation W V O T Grid Learning Center Time Line Dance Editorial