LOAN APPLICATION Income High Medium Low Employment References Employed Unemployed Good Bad Education High Low High Low Grant Investigate Further Investigate Further Refuse Investigate Further Refuse One start - up form + Income form Employment form Education form References form Each form = Option Buttons + Evaluate Command Button - Outcome = Next form or Decision
TOOLBOX Check Box ControlOption Button Control
OPTION BUTTON Single Married When Clicked Button goes black Button’s ‘Value’ property becomes True Can only select one Option button
CHECK BOX When Clicked A Tick appears in box Check Box’s ‘Value’ property changes from 0 to 1 Can select more than one Check Box Guardian Telegraph Express
START UP FORM This is the loan application A series of forms follows Click “Proceed” Proceed Private Sub cmdProceed_Click() frmIncome.Show End Sub
INCOME FORM Evaluate Private Sub cmdEvaluate_Click() If optHigh.Value then MsgBox “Grant Loan”, 64, “recommendation” End ElseIf optMedium.Value then frmEmployment.Show Else ‘Income Low frm.References.Show End If End Sub nb 64 = vbinformation (!) ‘ = comment High Medium Low
REFERENCES FORM Evaluate Private Sub cmdEvaluate_Click() If optGood.Value then MsgBox “Investigate Further”, 64, “Recommendation” Else MsgBox “Refuse Loan”, 64, “Recommendation” End If End Sub Good Bad
EMPLOYMENT FORM Evaluate Private Sub cmdEvaluate_Click() frmEducation.Show End Sub Employed Unemployed nb. Education Form always follows Employment form
EDUCATION FORM Evaluate Private Sub cmdEvaluate_Click() If frmEmployment!optEmployed.Value And optHigh.Value Then MsgBox “Grant Loan”, 64, “Recommendation” ElseIf (frmEmployment!optUnemployed And optHigh.Value) _ Or (frmEmployment!optEmployed.Value And optLow.Value) Then MsgBox “Investigate Further”, 64, “Recommendation” Else MsgBox “Refuse Loan”, 64, “Recommendation” EndIf End End Sub High Low