Questionnaire for students about healthy lifestyle Izabela Dobrzańska-Taranek
Questionnaire for student about healthy lifestyle I conducted the questionnaire about healthy lifestyle and then asked 24 students to give me their answers. The aim of the questionnaire was to find out present lifestyle habits. Here are the result of the questionnaire.
Do you have breakfast before going to school? The results ot this question show that 66,6 % of the students eats breakfast before going to school. Only one child said he didn't eat breakfast at all.
What do you have for breakfast? 58,3% eats sandwiches for breakfast. Usually with ham and cheese. Only one child eats sweets for breakfast – some buns or crisps.
How often do you eat vegetables? Children admitted that they ate vegetables when their parents gave them some. So it depends on them. Usually they eat vegetables a few times a week or once or twice a day. Only one child said admitted to eating them for every meal. And unfortunately 16,6% doesn't eat vegetables at all.
How often do you eat fruit? The situation is better with fruit. Childern like eating fruit much more than vegetables and almost all of them do it every day – 66,7% do it to every meal or once/twice a day. 12,5% doesn't eat fruit.
What do you usually eat during school breaks? It's a pity but only 16,7% eats fruit at school. I hope it will change after announcing the Fruit Break. The majority eats sandwiches. 29,2% doesn't eat anything during school breaks.
How often do you eat fast food? The result of this question shows that only 20,8% eats fast food every day. They admited they'd meant chips or pizza prepared at home. The majority said „rarely”. This is because there aren't any fast food restaurants in our region so they have no possibility to do it every day. If there were, I'm sure most of them would eat it more often.
How often do you drink fizzy drinks? All of the students confessed to drinking fizzy drinks. They like them. A distressing fact is that 37,5% do it every day (especially coca-cola). 45,8% drinks fizzy drinks from time to time.
How much water do you drink every day? This results of this question are consolatory. It shows that the students know the significance of drinking water. They don't like it much, but they know it's healthy and they should do it if they want to be healthy and fit.
What's your favourite food? The result of this question shows that children like junk food the most – pizza, spaghetti, hamburgers, chips. Nobody gave fruit or vegetables as the answer for this question.
What's your favourite drink? The result of this question shows that almost all of the students like coca-cola. Only 6 children admitted that the best drink for them is something else – juice,water or tea.
How much time do you spend on watching TV? The majority of the students says they watch TV not more than 2 hours a day, but they confessed that this is only just because their parents don't let them more. If they didn't set a time limit for their children, they would watch it more. So actually it depends on parents. Unfortunately 6 of our students watch TV more than four hours a day and they don't realize it's not good for them.
How much time do you spend using a computer? The situation is similar with using a computer. Most of the students uses it no more than 2 hours a day. They usually need it to play games. What is distressing, 5 of the students play computer games more than four hours a day. So they have no time for learning, doing some sports or meeting friends.
What sports do you do in your free time? (not on PE lessons) The results of this question show that almost all of the students do some sports. All of them more than one. The most famous is football (ten students) and cycling (eleven students). Only 3 students confessed to doing nothing. They said they didn't like sport. Probably this is because of winter. I'm sure they at least ride a bike when it's warm.
How often do you do/play them?
Do you feel fit and healthy?