STUDYING FOR EXAMS Exam questions can be predicted and prepared for!
PREPARING TO STUDY Find a place to work! – Limit distractions – Plenty of clear space – Well lit – Turn off your cell phone and put it in another room Gather everything you need to work and have it with you
PREPARING FOR THE EXAM Reread main ideas – Chapter headings are helpful Know the purpose of your assignments and labs Read through outlines, class notes, old tests and quizzes Review vocabulary, rules, laws, formulas Review questions and summaries at the end of chapters
PREPARING FOR THE EXAM After you study by yourself, study with friends! Try to anticipate essay questions and prepare a short outline Take short study breaks if you are losing focus – Do something active, don’t make your study break watching TV- it won’t help! Repeat out loud and rewrite details you are having trouble remembering
EXAM QUESTIONS Two types: Essays and Objective – Ask your teacher what types of questions to expect! Objective: – Recognition, true/false, fill ins, matching, multiple choice Essays: – Recollection, organize information and relate ideas to each other (ex. Compare/contrast)
REMEMBER! Studying means REVIEWING and ORGANIZING facts and ideas. Memorizing and reading can be part of studying, but NOT the main part
SCHEDULING TO PREPARE For each exam, plan THREE study sessions: #1: The “Early Review” – Collecting your materials such as notes, hand outs, tests, and quizzes #2: “Review” – Reading over the materials you collected. #3: “Study” – Quick review, then FOCUS on topics you have trouble with and are most important
TAKING THE EXAM Get a normal night’s sleep Eat a healthy breakfast; bring a small snack for between exams Arrive early – you don’t want to feel rushed! Last minute reviews are OK, but STAY CALM Look over test when you get it and budget time
TAKING THE EXAM Watch the clock to stay on track READ DIRECTIONS. Only answer what is asked for Review test if you have extra time when completed If you feel nervous throughout the test, take a few seconds to RELAX
ANSWERING OBJECTIVE QUESTIONS Do the ones you know first, mark the ones you skip and go back to them Read the whole question and all of the choices Matching: have a system, cross off ones you’ve used Do not leave any blanks; try to eliminate some choices then guess if you are unsure
ANSWERING ESSAYS If you have choices, make selection quickly If several essays to write, write the one you know best first Make a brief outline on scrap paper– this will help you think of more details If you have no idea: just jot down information you know and see if you can make connections
Scheduling Your Study Use a calendar to write down for each subject – Early Review – Review – Study Good Luck with your exams! From your counselor