ABSTRACT Recent studies have examined the association of singular adolescent attitudes to particular age periods (Schnirer, 2001). We analyze the relationship between age disparity of partners in a dating relationship to noteworthy aspects of their functioning. Further, we scrutinize the extent of adolescent relationships along lines of varying degrees of age incongruity and diverse aspects of adolescent functioning. We are looking at the interaction connecting age disparity, depression, romantic appeal and self silencing. The data for this study was collected from 1792 adolescents who participated in Phase One of a NICHD-funded study, the Study of Tennessee Adolescent Romantic Relationships (STARR, 2000).
INTRODUCTION Adolescents function higher while dating partners their own age (Kenrick, 1996) Adolescents display singular attitudes during particular age periods (Schnirer, 2001) This study will examine the relationship between age discrepancy in adolescent romantic relationships, depression, self silencing and romantic appeal
HYPOTHESES Adolescents who date age discrepant partners will experience higher levels of depression than those who date partners their own age Self-silencing scores will be higher in those adolescents who date age discrepant partners Females involved in an age discrepant relationship will display a significantly higher degree of romantic appeal than males involved in an age discrepant relationship
METHOD Sample was taken from a larger NICHD funded study of adolescents Surveyed 9 – 12 grade adolescents From 17 different rural, urban and suburban area high schools Collected data from 1792 students Measures evaluate depressive symptoms, perception of romantic appeal and self- silencing
METHOD Adolescents were divided into four categories for analysis: same age dating partner 1 year age discrepant dating partner 2-5 year age discrepant dating partner 6+ year age discrepant dating partner In addition sample was furcated into male and female respondents
MEASURES Romantic appeal is measured using the Harter Self-Perception Profile for Adolescents (Harter, 1988) Self-silencing is scored by the Silencing the Self Scale (Jack & Dill, 1992) Depression is measured by the CES-D scale (Radloff, 1977) Participant and partner age are self reported
PARTICIPANTS Adolescents who completed the Harter questionnaire, CES-D questionnaire and answered the item: How old is your current (or most recent) dating partner? Racial breakdown was: 87.4% White 7.9% Black 1.4% Asian 1.1 % Hispanic.6% Native American 1.6% Other Grade breakdown was: 32.3% 9th 16.9% 10th 25.6% 11th 25.2% 12th
TABLES Table 1 – All Participants Table 2 - Males -----age discrepancyFSig. CES-D Score Romantic Appeal Table 3 - Females -----age discrepancyFSig. CES-D Score Romantic Appeal age discrepancyFSig. CES-D Score Romantic Appeal
CORRELATIONS Age Discrepancy Age Discrepancy Romantic Appeal Romantic Appeal CES-D -.796**-.324** NS.524**NS CES-D Females Males
RESULTS Adolescents who date partners 2+ years older demonstrate higher levels of depressive symptoms The relationship between self silencing and age discrepancy does not yield any significance Adolescent males in any age discrepant relationship do not demonstrate significantly different romantic appeal than their female peers
Adolescent females in a relationship with age discrepant partners of 2 to 5 years have significantly higher perceptions of romantic appeal when compared to adolescents who date partners of the same age, 1 year difference or with a difference of 6 or more years RESULTS
DISCUSSION Our initial hypothesis was completely supported because adolescents who date age discrepant partners do experience higher levels of depression than those who are dating partners their own age No significance was found relating self- silencing to age incongruence in adolescent dating relationships. This is possibly due to the adolescents’ experience of previous dating relationships
DISCUSSION Females do experience higher perceptions of romantic appeal as compared to adolescent males who are involved in similar dating situations
In pursuing further study of adolescents involved in age incongruent relationships we hope to enlarge our area of focus to include the impact of the frequency of previous dating relationships to relationship violence, self-perception of competency and attitudes towards women FUTURE RESEARCH