intro to computers portfolio kurt gregory next
table of contents Introduction Computer Concepts Word Processing and Spreadsheet Lab Network Communications Workplace Issues Microsoft Office Word Excel Database PowerPoint About the Author Resume back next
introduction In Intro to Computers I learned about many basic computer concepts and how to use several helpful programs. These programs include Microsoft Word, Excel, Access, and PowerPoint. This class helped to both refresh my memory and further my learning in using computers. back next table of contents
computer concepts In Intro to Computers I did several lab projects using the book Computing Essentials which taught basic computer concepts such as: Word Processing and Spreadsheet Lab Network Communications Workplace Issues back next table of contents
microsoft office In Intro to Computers I learned how to use several Microsoft Office programs Word Excel Database PowerPoint back next table of contents
word Using Word I learned how to do such things as create memos, newsletters, and proper methods for typing documents Outdoor Designs Newsletter In this project I created a newsletter in Microsoft Word and I utilized tables, WordArt, and ClipArt back next table of contents
excel Excel is a program that is used to make spreadsheets. I learned how to enter formulas and functions, and how to make tables and charts Sales Growth Chart In this project I applied what I learned in Excel with formulas, functions and a chart from the data back next table of contents
database Microsoft Access is used to keep records in an easy to use, and organized fashion Cowboy Joes Collectible Products In this database I used Microsoft Access to create tables, queries, and reports back next table of contents
powerpoint Learning how to use Microsoft PowerPoint enabled me to make presentations much like this one, which can be helpful for giving speeches Bread Basket Company Meeting In this presentation I applied the use of the design templates and the drawing tools made available in PowerPoint next back table of contents
about the author Resume back table of contents next
the end