LUNA PLC Wholesale and retail sale of baker's products and candies
ABOUT US ABOUT US a group of young entrepreneurs in this business since 2003, at the address Ivana Filipovića 2, Rijeka Ivana Filipovića 2, Rijeka our firm has 14 employees
Vision: hoping to save traditional bakery and candies from being forgotten Mision: to provide our residents and visitors with of high quality domestic bakery and candies sold at a fair price in authentic, comfortable environment
ŠURLICE ŠURLICE a favourite dish of the people from Kvarner islands every village on the island of Krk has its own way of preparing it
PAŠKI BAŠKOTIN PAŠKI BAŠKOTIN a special kind of hard bagel a recipe for that speciality has never come out from the ancient convent’s walls.
UŠEĆERENI BADEMI UŠEĆERENI BADEMI the Romans used to give their friends sweet almonds as a present
SUHE SMOKVE SUHE SMOKVE dried figs are a source of minerals, especially calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, copper and iron
KROŠTULE KROŠTULE a kind of sweet crispy pastry
Sale conditions Sale conditions Payment: within 15 days of delivery of the goods Delivery: within 15 days of receipt of an order Discount: 10% for more than 50 kg
CONTACT US Address: Ivana Filipovića 2, Rijeka, Croatia Ivana Filipovića 2, Rijeka, Croatia Phone: E- mail:
Taste of the Mediterranean at your table LUNA PLC QUESTIONS