CS 162 Discussion Section Week 2 (9/16 – 9/20)
Who am I? Kevin Klues Office Hours: 12:30pm-2:30pm Soda 7th Floor Alcove 2
Today’s Section Talk about the Course Projects (15 min) Overall Goals, Grading, Version Control Project 1 Details Review Lectures 3 and 4 (10 min) Worksheet and Discussion (20 min)
Project Goals Learn to work in teams Use good engineering practices Version control, collaboration Requirements specification Design Document Implementation Testing [Performance, reliability,...] analysis Understand lecture concepts at the implementation level
Project Grading Design docs [40 points] First draft [10 points] Design review [10 points] Final design doc [20 points] Code [60 points]
Good Project Lifetime Day 0: Project released on course webpage Day 1 ‐ 13: Team meets, discusses and breaks up work on design and necessary prototyping Day 14: Initial design document due – Team reviews the document with TA Day 15: Implementation begins Day 20: Implementation is finished. Team switches to writing test cases. Design doc has been updated to reflect the implementation. Day 21: Iteration and performance analysis. Day 23: Team puts finishing touches on write up and gets to bed early.
Design Documents Overview of the project as a whole along with each of its subparts Header must contain the following info Project Name and # Group Members Names and IDs Section # TA Name Example docs on the course webpage under: Projects and Nachos-> General Project Information
Design Document Structure Each part of the project should be explained using the following structure Overview Correctness Constraints Declarations Descriptions Testing Plan
Design Doc Length Keep under 15 pages Will dock points if too long!
Design Reviews Design reviews Schedule a time (outside of Section) with your Section TA to meet and discuss your design Every member must attend Will test that every member understands YOU are responsible for testing your code We provide access to a simple autograder But your project is graded against a much more extensive autograder
Project 1: Thread Programming Can be found in the course website Under the heading “Projects and Nachos” Stock Nachos has an incomplete thread system. Your job is to Complete it, and Use it to solve several synchronization problems
Version Control for the Projects Course provided SVN and Private GitHub repos for every group Use whichever you prefer Access: svn: git:
Project Questions?
Quiz (True/False) Each thread owns its own stack and heap. (True/False) Hardware provides better (higher-level) primitives than atomic load and store for constructing synchronization tools (True/False) Correct threaded programs don't need to work for all interleavings of thread instruction sequences. (True/False) Timer interrupts are an example of non- preemptive multithreading (Short Answer) What is an operation that either runs to completion or not at all called?
Lecture Review
Putting it together: Processes … Process 1Process 2Process N CPU sched. OS CPU (1 core) 1 process at a time CPU state IO state Mem. CPU state IO state Mem. CPU state IO state Mem. Switch overhead: high CPU state: low Memory/IO state: high Process creation: high Protection CPU: yes Memory/IO: yes Sharing overhead: high (involves at least a context switch)
Putting it together: Threads Process 1 CPU sched. OS CPU (1 core) 1 thread at a time IO state Mem. … threads Process N IO state Mem. … threads … Switch overhead: low (only CPU state) Thread creation: low Protection CPU: yes Memory/IO: No Sharing overhead: low (thread switch overhead low) CPU state CPU state CPU state CPU state
Why Processes & Threads? Multiprogramming: Run multiple applications concurrently Protection: Don’t want a bad application to crash system! Goals: Process: unit of execution and allocation Virtual Machine abstraction: give process illusion it owns machine (i.e., CPU, Memory, and IO device multiplexing) Solution: Process creation & switching expensive Need concurrency within same app (e.g., web server) Challenge: Thread: Decouple allocation and execution Run multiple threads within same process Solution:
Dispatch Loop Conceptually, the dispatching loop of the operating system looks as follows: Loop { RunThread(); ChooseNextThread(); SaveStateOfCPU(curTCB); LoadStateOfCPU(newTCB); } This is an infinite loop One could argue that this is all that the OS does
Yielding through Internal Events Blocking on I/O The act of requesting I/O implicitly yields the CPU Waiting on a “signal” from other thread Thread asks to wait and thus yields the CPU Thread executes a yield() Thread volunteers to give up CPU computePI() { while(TRUE) { ComputeNextDigit(); yield(); } } Note that yield() must be called by programmer frequently enough!
Review: Two Thread Yield Example Consider the following code blocks: proc A() { B(); } proc B() { while(TRUE) { yield(); } } Suppose we have two threads: Threads S and T Thread S A B(while) yield run_new_thread switch kernel_yield Thread T A B(while) yield run_new_thread switch kernel_yield
Why allow cooperating threads? People cooperate; computers help/enhance people’s lives, so computers must cooperate By analogy, the non-reproducibility/non-determinism of people is a notable problem for “carefully laid plans” Advantage 1: Share resources One computer, many users One bank balance, many ATMs What if ATMs were only updated at night? Embedded systems (robot control: coordinate arm & hand) Advantage 2: Speedup Overlap I/O and computation Multiprocessors – chop up program into parallel pieces Advantage 3: Modularity Chop large problem up into simpler pieces To compile, for instance, gcc calls cpp | cc1 | cc2 | as | ld Makes system easier to extend
Definitions Synchronization: using atomic operations to ensure cooperation between threads For now, only loads and stores are atomic We’ll show that is hard to build anything useful with only reads and writes Critical Section: piece of code that only one thread can execute at once Mutual Exclusion: ensuring that only one thread executes critical section One thread excludes the other while doing its task Critical section and mutual exclusion are two ways of describing the same thing
Better Implementation of Locks by Disabling Interrupts Key idea: maintain a lock variable and impose mutual exclusion only during operations on that variable int value = FREE; Acquire() { disable interrupts; if (value == BUSY) { put thread on wait queue; Go to sleep(); // Enable interrupts? } else { value = BUSY; } enable interrupts; } Release() { disable interrupts; if (anyone on wait queue) { take thread off wait queue; Put at front of ready queue; } else { value = FREE; } enable interrupts; }
How to Re-enable After Sleep()? Since ints are disabled when you call sleep: Responsibility of the next thread to re-enable ints When the sleeping thread wakes up, returns to acquire and re-enables interrupts Thread A Thread B.. disable ints sleep.. sleep return enable ints.. context switch yield return enable ints disable int yield
Quiz (True/False) Each thread owns its own heap and stack (True/False) Hyper-threading involves only 1 hardware thread, but many virtual threads (True/False) Locks can be constructed by enabling/disabling interrupts (True/False) Finer-grained sharing leads to an increase in concurrency which leads to better performance (Short Answer) What is the section of code between lock.acquire() and lock.release() called?