An Informational Session on the Common Core Standards Laurie Gregory Holland Central School Director of Curriculum November 18, 2013.


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Presentation transcript:

An Informational Session on the Common Core Standards Laurie Gregory Holland Central School Director of Curriculum November 18, 2013

Goals for Tonight: Clear up common misconceptions about the Common Core standards and Regents reform agenda Clarify what the Holland Central School District has done and will do in the future to successfully implement these changes Give you an opportunity to ask questions

Purpose of the Common Core Standards: Common instructional goals for the 50 states Better prepare students for the future

Myth 1: The Common Core is the Regents Reform Agenda

Regents Reform Agenda The Common Core Standards Data Driven Instruction the Teacher and Principal Evaluation System (APPR)

Myth 2: The Common Core is a Scripted, Mandated, Curriculum

Common Core Literacy Standards (Example: R.I.1) 7Cite several pieces of textual evidence to support what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text. 8Cite the textual evidence that most strongly supports what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text. 9-10Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text. Develop factual, interpretive, and evaluative questions for further exploration of the topic Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text, including where the text leaves matters uncertain. Develop factual, interpretive, and evaluative questions for further exploration of the topic.

The Common Core Shifts in Instruction

“The Common Core is not a curriculum. Curriculum is a local decision. New York State is committed to providing school districts with materials that they can use as resources.” -Commissioner King

Facts About the NYS Curriculum Resources: Chosen after decades of research had been done that proved students using the materials significantly outperformed those who did not Not intended to be read as a script Adaptations are necessary to fit the materials into the district’s schedule and meet the needs of our students

Myth 3: The Common Core requires students to master skills that are radically different and developmentally inappropriate.

The Facts about the CCLS: The states worked together to develop the CCLS (using their state standards as a guide) Parent and teacher organizations were given many opportunities to review and give feedback on the CCLS The CCLS are based on educational research (these concepts and strategies are not new)

Example: Learning multiplication and division has always been part of the 3 rd grade math curriculum. With the Common Core, students in 3 rd grade now learn many different ways to compute multiplication and division problems in order to deepen their understanding.

Myth 4: The Common Core and Regents Reform Agenda has resulted in districts “over testing” students.

The Facts About Testing: We have the same number of state assessments that we have had for decades. The 2013 assessments were of similar length or shorter than those given in previous years. Some districts are choosing to create more tests for APPR purposes. Holland is utilizing measures such as “building wide results” to ensure that we are not over testing students.

Holland Central School District’s Priority Areas for Common Core Implementation Integrating Technology to Enrich Instruction Data Driven Instruction

Holland Central School District’s Implementation of the Common Core: Introductory training on the Common Core standards and instructional shifts Pilot of the NYS K-6 ELA Common Core Curriculum Revision of the K-4 Report Card Summer workshops and curriculum work Regional BOCES forums

Holland Central School District’s Implementation of the Common Core (cont.): Grade level curriculum work sessions Time to analyze data and make adjustments Community information sessions Providing opportunities for students to receive extra help and enrichment
