The Common Core Overview and Update March 7, 2012
Common Core: A Refresher:
Overview of the Common Core: English (2:55)
Overview of the Common Core: Spanish (2:58)
TTUSD Implementation Plan: DRAFT Timeline for Common Core State Standards Implementation Review recommendations from State and County assessment consortium Become familiar with CCSS Develop a professional development plan for teachers Overview training on "What are the CCSS?" Examine curent practices for opportunities to integrate CCSS instruction Prioritize teacher PD needs for CCSS Math Overarching focus: Standards for Mathematical Practice Prioritize teacher PD needs for CCSS ELA Overarching focus: Text Complexity Conduct a materials needs assessment Conduct a technology needs assessment Implement year 2 of teacher professional development Continue to examine current practices for opportunities to integrate CCSS instruction Conduct needs assessment for supplemental materials Continue to align instruction to the CCSS wherever possible Implement year 3 of teacher professional development Continue to examine current practices for opportunities to integrate CCSS instruction Continue to align instruction to the CCSS wherever possible Full implementation of the CCSS Adoption of SBE approved CCSS textbook materials in Math Adoption of SBE approved CCSS textbook materials in ELA
Summary of What Has Already Been Accomplished: Professional Development: –Presentation to principals –Mike Mattos project –Depth of Knowledge and content workshops (PCOE) Development of: –Principals began developing implementation plan –CISAAC work on CCSS –Common assessments –Pacing guides –Lesson plans
Next Steps: Taking a close look at our district- wide technology, and our capacity for online testing Continue providing training on the CCSS Smarter Balance testing begins in the Spring of 2014 –We are aligned with the several-year process that is required to bring the state assessment system from the CST Exam module to Smarter Balance’s new testing system