$100 Question People of the Civil War President of the United States during the Civil War
$100 Answer People of the Civil War Who is Abraham Lincoln?
$200 Question People of the Civil War Nurse who helped take care of the wounded during the Civil War and later started the American Red Cross
$200 Answer People of the Civil War Who was Clara Barton?
$300 Question People of the Civil War President of the Confederate States of America during the Civil War
$300 Answer People of the Civil War Who is Jefferson Davis?
$400 Question People of the Civil War The name given to Northern democrats who opposed the Civil War
$400 Answer People of the Civil War Who are copperheads?
$500 Question People of the Civil War Union General in charge of the “March to the Sea” to destroy the South’s will to fight
$500 Answer People of the Civil War Who is William Tecumseh Sherman?
$100 Question Civil War Vocabulary Ships converted from wooden ships to fighting ships by adding a coat of steel or iron
$100 Answer Civil War Vocabulary What are Ironclads?
$200 Question Civil War Vocabulary A change to the U.S. Constitution that freed ALL African Americans.
$200 Answer Civil War Vocabulary What is the 13 th Amendment?
$300 Question Civil War Vocabulary Signed by Lincoln to help the war effort, in reality frees no slaves but is a symbolic statement
$300 Answer Civil War Vocabulary What is the The Emancipation Proclamation?
$400 Question Civil War Vocabulary A term that means people decide on an issue such as to vote on whether a territory allows slavery or prohibits slavery.
$400 Answer Civil War Vocabulary What is popular sovereignty?
$500 Question Civil War Vocabulary These states practiced slavery at the beginning of the Civil War, but decided to stay with the Union.
$500 Answer Civil War Vocabulary What are border states
$100 Question Civil War Military Terms The number one killer in the Civil War
$100 Answer Civil War Military Terms What is disease?
Preventing any shipping from getting in or out of an area $200 Question Civil War Military Terms
What is a blockade? $200 Answer Civil War Military Terms
$300 Question Civil War Military Terms Nickname of the Union strategy to prevent all trade from getting in or out of the South
What is the Anaconda Plan? $300 Answer Civil War Military Terms
A type of hollowed out bullet with grooves on the side to allow it to spiral through the air $400 Question Civil War Military Terms
What is a minie ball? $400 Answer Civil War Military Terms
Order called by a Southern commander during the Battle at Gettysburg that results in many Confederate deaths as they cross a wheat field and are mowed down by Union fire $500 Question Civil War Military Terms
What is Pickett’s Charge? $500 Answer Civil War Military Terms
$100 Question Battles of the Civil War The first major battle of the Civil War, a Confederate victory, shocks the Union, many spectators come from nearby Washington D.C. to watch the battle
$100 Answer Battles of the Civil War What is the Battle of Bull Run?
$200 Question Battles of the Civil War This battle gives the Union complete control of the Mississippi River
$200 Answer Battles of the Civil War What is the Siege of Vicksburg?
$300 Question Battles of the Civil War This Union victory in Pennsylvania ended the Confederate hopes of victory in the North, many died, President Lincoln speaks here later
$300 Answer Battles of the Civil War What is the Battle of Gettysburg?
$400 Question Battles of the Civil War This Union victory allows Lincoln to issue the Emancipation Proclamation although this battle is the bloodiest battle in ONE day.
$400 Answer Battles of the Civil War What is the Battle of Antietam?
$500 Question Battles of the Civil War This battle lasts over three days and more soldiers die in this battle than any others in American History!
$500 Answer Battles of the Civil War What is the Battle of Gettysburg?
$100 Question Civil War Etc. This general sided with his home state Virginia and became the best general of the Confederacy
$100 Answer Civil War Etc. Who is Robert E Lee?
$200 Question Civil War Etc. Site of the signing of the surrender papers to officially end the Civil War
$200 Answer Civil War Etc. What is Appomattox Court House?
$300 Question Civil War Etc. An increase in the cost of goods and a decrease in the value of money
$300 Answer Civil War Etc. What is Inflation.
$400 Question Civil War Etc. Appointed the lead Union general after winning major battles in the west, finished the war as the general in charge of the Union army
$400 Answer Civil War Etc. Who is Ulysses S Grant?
$500 Question Civil War Etc. The first all African American fighting regiment in the Union army during the Civil War
$500 Answer Civil War Etc. Who are the Massachusetts 54th?
Final Jeopardy In what year did the Civil War end?
Final Jeopardy Answer What is 1865?