Language as head-ache: the Linguistics Olympiad grows Richard Hudson ISMLA, Feb 2014
The UK Linguistics Olympiad An academic ‘olympiad’ for school children –Cf. the Maths Challenge/Olympiad But problems all involve language data –Challenge: to work out the underlying system Three levels of difficulty: –Foundation (KS3) –Intermediate (KS4) –Advanced (KS5)
A Foundation problem
Where is Cleopatra? Cleopatra t rp aa p t c l e o ol e Ptolemy Spot the pattern!
An Intermediate problem
The questions
The solutions (marked locally)
An Advanced problem
How is UKLO doing?
Independent vs state Independent
And the winners … Round 2, 2013 (typical): –Independent: 15 –State: 1 UK IOL teams, 2013 (typical): –Independent: 7 –State: 1
Some other facts Age – 48 at Y5/6 Entries per school –Record = 350 We hosted the International Linguistics Olympiad in 2013 –Generous support from Leverhulme Foundation ISMLA is a generous financial supporter!
Where next? ‘We’ = the UKLO committee plus other HE enthusiasts for linguistics in schools. We plan: –1. To produce support material for schools A. Linguistics for the Olympiad B. General support material for the Olympiad C. Extending linguistics beyond the Olympiad –2. To campaign for more linguistics A. integrated into other subjects B. as separate qualification
1A. Linguistics for the Olympiad frameworks for formal language analysis –phonology, morphology,syntax –meaning –writing systems illustrated from standard and non-standard English foreign languages examined at A-level unfamiliar languages materials on how languages vary at all levels
1B. General support material for the Olympiad worked UKLO style problems –from foundation up to IOL general advice on how to tackle such questions.
1C. Linguistics beyond the Olympiad Brief descriptions of languages –FL and classics –compared with English Facts about UK community languages –structural features –demographics ‘Five-minute starters' –for introducing topics in FL lessons –using UKLO-style problems – e.g. ….
Peculiar pronouns Aim: to prepare for Romance pronouns –E.g. Jean aime Marie, ‘John loves Mary’ But: Jean l’aime. ‘John loves her’ Quick data: –They gave the girl a present. –They gave a present the girl. –They gave her it. –They gave it her. What’s going on in English?
Voici/voilà in English. Quick data –Here’s our bus. –There are your parents. –Here comes our bus. –There goes our bus. –Nearby is our bus. –This way appears our bus. –Here’s it. –Here it is.
2a. Campaigning: Linguistics in school subjects Foreign languages –More analysis, fact and understanding –Historical as well as synchronic English language –Same –More links between English and FL Maths, History, Psychology, …
2b. Campaigning: Linguistics as a formal qualification UKLO is the only national olympiad in a subject which is not taught at school!!! How about A-level in linguistics? –Language structure –Language change and variation –Typology (differences between languages) –Quantitative studies –Second-language learning
And you? What do you think?