TABLE OF CONTENTS Strengths SLIDE # 3 Opening Statement SLIDE #4 Section 1: Self Leadership SLIDE #5 Section 2: Leadership Theories SLIDE #6 Section 3: Inclusive Leadership SLIDE #8 Section 4: Critical Thinking SLIDE # Section 5: Interpersonal/Organizational Leadership SLIDE # *If you do not have one outcome from each area of the Inventory completed, you may opt to choose 2 from one of the sections. TABLE OF CONTENTS Strengths SLIDE # 3 Opening Statement SLIDE #4 Section 1: Self Leadership SLIDE #5 Section 2: Leadership Theories SLIDE #6 Section 3: Inclusive Leadership SLIDE #8 Section 4: Critical Thinking SLIDE # Section 5: Interpersonal/Organizational Leadership SLIDE # *If you do not have one outcome from each area of the Inventory completed, you may opt to choose 2 from one of the sections.
Signature Strengths Empathy Positivity Woo Activator Developer Values in Action Strengths Kindness and Generosity Capacity to love and be loved Spirituality Curiosity Humor and Playfulness M
OPENING STATEMENT Leadership is about leading not only yourself but others to excellence. Throughout this class I have learned many different styles of leadership as well as many different techniques. Each of these have helped me grow as a person as well as have helped me help others grow.
SECTION 1 SELF LEADERSHIP (3. Student will demonstrate the ability to manage emotions) It was around the time for midterms last semester and I had found in class that my Nana died. I managed my emotions and stayed focused in class by taking notes. I had to go home that weekend, While I was home for two days going to the wakes and the funeral and dealing with everything, there was also a shooting on my block. No one was injured but this led me to a great deal of stress, seeing as how it was right out my window and I saw the shooter drive off. Regardless of the details I had to go back to school the next day and take my midterm for my English class. On the car ride back to school, I didn’t let how stressed, upset or scared I was interfere with my need to study. I proceeded to take my midterm and pass. I have also dealt with dealing with my sexuality among many other college problems. Sometimes when I get overwhelmed I go to the counseling center and talk to one of the counselors there. It helps to manage my emotions and calm down.
SECTION 2 Leadership Theory and Models (34. Students will demonstrate knowledge of the “4 V’s” theory of leadership by Grace (Center for Ethical Leadership)) The 4-V Model of Ethical Leadership is a framework that aligns internal beliefs and values with external beliefs and values to advance the common good. The model is based on values, vision, voice and virtue, the 4 V’s. Values begin the model, because we must understand and commit to individual core values. By discovering the values at the core of our lives we begin integrating our values with our choices. They then become a part of everything we do. Next, in the model is vision, this is the ability to frame our actions. Particularly the actions we are framing are in service to others. Next we have voice, claiming our voice is the process of articulating our vision to others in an authentic way.
Section 2 Contd. It is also convincing others of our voice in a way that motivates them to action. Lastly, on the model we have virtue this is the understanding that we become what we practice. We strive to do what is right and good therefore we develop the character of virtue. There are three additional elements that are key to the development of ethical leadership. Service which connects Vision to Values. The reason why service connects these two is because when our values our tested and tried through service to others, our vision behind the values is often revealed. The second key element is Polis. Polis is the Greek word for “city” and root of the English word “politics.” This connects voice and vision. Because as we learn to give voice to our vision in the setting of public art, we are engaging in the art of politics. Lastly, the element of renewal connects voice back to values. As we express our voice in many ways, we need to break from the action on a regular basis to consider if our actions are congruent with our values and vision.
SECTION 3 Inclusive Leadership / Diversity and its application to leadership (65. Student will describe personal examples of being a change agent) Shannon’s fight is an organization I am in because my friend Shannon has a rare form of cancer. I am an advocate for her and spread awareness wherever I go. We have recently been selling bracelets and homemade cards to support her medical funds. I am on the fundraising team so I am always helping out with the events. Over the summer we hosted a Fight for Remission battle. Shannon is a black belt in karate so in her honor we hosted a karate tournament and had raffles and other fundraising opportunities. As a change agent, I spread the word and try to make a change in this research for the cure to cancer. Recently, we have been reaching out on twitter and Facebook to spread the word about her disease.
Section 3 Contd. As a change agent I can say that we have been successful for the fact that news about her fight has reached top celebrities and has made it international. We are currently spreading the word in three countries and have celebrities helping to have her name out there. We continuously push forward in hopes to make a change.
SECTION 4 Critical Thinking (71. Student will show knowledge of at least five decision making methods) In high school we had a college counselor that discussed decision making with us. These counselors gave us a five step process so that our decisions were clearly thought out and executed. The first step in the process was identifying/clarifying the decision to be made. The decision the person is trying to make should be isolated so that it is present to the person making the choice. The second step is identifying the possible decision options. This requires the decision maker to clearly spell out what the decision alternatives are. Gathering and processing information is the third step in the process. This is where collecting and processing information that will guide the decision is done.
Section 4 Contd. The fourth step is making the decision. After all the information has been considered, a decision is formed based on the information at hand. Step five the last step of the process is evaluating the decision. This is where the decision maker reflects and recalls whether the decision was appropriate or not. These five steps are the key to making a good informed decision.
SECTION 5 (Interpersonal and Organizational Concepts and Skills ) (115. Student will describe personal examples of mentoring and being mentored) At my high school select senior students were chosen to be retreat staff mentors. The people who are chosen to be mentors are chosen by staff members that believe in them. I was chosen to be a retreat staff leader, which meant that I had to go to workshops to connect with my fellow staff members. At the workshop I was led by my mentor at the school Brother Roger. He had been my mentor and religious group leader since freshman year. After learning from him for four years, I finally had the chance to put what he taught me into action and teach other students.
Section 5 Contd. As a mentor, the students who had retreat on the day I was working listening to my speech about doubt and second chances. After giving speeches, we broke up into small groups and got personal with each other. After sharing intimate stories and lessons we did group activities. To conclude the retreat Brother Roger would give a closing speech. It was an honor to work with someone who has mentored me and who I have looked up to for years. To have him see how I have grown and how much of an impact he has made on me was inspirational. The second best part of being a retreat staff member was helping out the underclassmen.