Ideas From Werecat
“You’re a great devil’s advocate. You keep making me ask, ‘Why aren’t we doing it that way?’” A Potential Client
Werecat does not just point out the problems… …Werecat works hard to give you the perfect solutions. …everyday… Kendra Jo Johnson Werecat System Consultants …everyday…
How Much Would You Pay… …for an administrator who solves problems by creating solutions? Even in our current economic situation, skilled Executive Assistants can command $40K-60K per year.
How Much Would You Pay… Including benefits, within a few years, the cost of a full time Executive Assistant quickly adds up to several $100Ks. …for an administrator who solves problems by creating solutions?
How Much Would You Pay… And there’s no guarantee that a new assistant will live up to her resume. …for an administrator who solves problems and creates solutions?
How Much Would You Pay… Werecat Offers the Perfect Solution: Unparalleled administrative problem solving and process improvement development, at a fixed cost, with no long term commitment. Guaranteed. …for an administrator who solves problems and creates solutions?
…brings a talent… the ability to see a relatively simple solution to nagging administrative/organizational problems using primarily the tools that are currently available to all of us (i.e., without having to spend more money).” A Satisfied Customer “Werecat System Consultants…
Werecat System Consultants 5254 S. Dorchester No. 201 Chicago, IL
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