Once Upon a Chromakey BP 2009 Starring Summer 2009 Class And World Famous Barb Ericson
One fine July day in HoTLANTA, Pam the Programmer returned from her Beach vacation in order to attend Ms. Ericson’s Beginning Programming Teacher Workshop! She was bummed to not be relaxing but threw her hands up in the salty air and said, let’s give this class try!
As Pam fought the glorious Atlanta traffic and found her way to parking…she realized that there was a big hole in the garage! She found the Area 6 lot, got her ticket and with a bit of vacation still in her step, headed towards class. And, there, to her wondering eyes what should appear? The world famous Barb Ericson!
Day 1 proved interesting as we quickly found out that Chris in another world than the rest of us. He knew his robots and Python and what he doesn’t know, he goes and learns faster than the speed of light!
Poor Rosemary tried to escape, but alas, once you are in, you are going to learn all about Beginning Programming. She quickly figured out how to make a Robot sing and move towards the enemy, oops, her partner. Maybe instead of trying to move a wall all by herself, she can use a Robot to help!
During our lessons on how to manipulate images in Python, Rosemary learned all about mirroring an image as well as fixing a broken roof in Greece. Marlena passed the word around about the easy way to get your roof fixed!
Before, you knew it, Barb forced her class to test out indentation using US!! Ria was psyched as she hoped to throw a few of us in the air…
By the time we got through JES and trying to make collages, many of us felt like we going around in circles…even Carla!
Carla had the right idea! Before we completely feel like we spacing out, head for the hotel and Atlanta highways! After all, coming up the next day was putting ourselves in new places – even ones we really want to be! We also were going to SEE sound!?!?
As class ended on Friday, and we all started worrying about getting lesson plans ready and done for the wonderful young ladies and gentlemen that will be streaming (like video) through our doors in a few short weeks, Karuna decided the beach is a far better place to be than a padded classroom, er…greenscreen room !
So, fearless, world class leader, Dr. Ericson, we thank you and hope your trip back to the moon (isn’t that where your kids and husband are???) is pleasant! We look forward to seeing you in a workshop near us in the fall! Thanks so much!