AtoNs experiences in implementation in Romania Vukovar, December, 2012
The AFDJ’s AtoN system has been purchased from the German company Pintsch Bamag and it was put into operation in the autumn of Due to special geographical conditions, for some lighthouses the communication with the territorial stations was not possible using VHF and the satellite communication is too expensive for AFDJ RA Galati at present. This is valid too for the Danube sector between rkm and rkm 1075, where the upstream lighthouses are not monitored for the time being. General Facts
System Description The main components of the System are: 5 territorial centers located in: Sulina, Galati, Calarasi, Giurgiu and Turnu Severin 1 central server in Galati Equipment for buoys Equipment for lighthouses The structure of a territorial center is the following: VHF aerial VHF/UHF modem, radio Hardware equipment (computer, monitor, UPS, printer) Software equipment (CoDeSy program, data storage base)
System Description The CoDeSy MKII CMS System represents a monitoring and control instrument of the process devices for navigation such as: lighthouses and buoys, retransmission relays. The CoDeSy MKII CMS Program permits the visualization, archiving and analysis of the process values of the navigation aids. The program runs on a standard PC – remote monitoring computer (RMC). The access to the process values of the navigation aids is given by VHF, UHF or communication modems via satellite.
System Description The territorial centers are independent and they are monitoring buoys and lighthouses as follows: Sulina: 39 buoys and 23 lighthouses Galati: 22 buoys and 34 lighthouses Calarasi: 14 lighthouses Giurgiu: 27 lighthouses Tr. Severin: 21 lighthouses At all territorial centers there are other unmonitored buoys, but on which the necessary equipment can be mounted so that they may be monitored.
System Description The connection between the territorial servers and the central one is realized via VPN (Virtual Private Network).
Equipment for buoys
Equipment for lighthouses
System Operation The visualizing program CoDeSy MKII CMS for the client is installed on all existing servers. In general, this visualizing program consists of two levels. The first level indicates a Danube map with ionized graphs of the locations which are monitored. After having selected a certain location, the second level displays a graph of the selected location with all its parameters. The characteristics of the objective can be updated also manually by the operator by simply using the “Data Request” button.
First Level
Second Level For each objective the following can be monitored: Parameters of the lamp
Parameters of the main battery
Parameters of the back-up battery
Parameters of the radio modem
Routing list
Parameters of the GPS module
Parameters of the collision sensor
Only the buoys are equipped with GPS module and collision sensor. In case of modification of the pre-established parameters, the stations receive warnings, acoustic and visual alarms which are continuous until the operator confirms the alarm reception. The confirmation of the alarm reception means that the acoustic alarm stops but the visual alarm goes on until the technicians’ team repairs the defect. For each buoy or lighthouse, individual parameters may be established for the generation of monitoring reports, daily, weekly or monthly.
Improvements needed Assure VHF radio coverage for entire river, according with radio simulations. Adding AIS modules on some buoys, as will be resulted from NEWADA activity. Implementing of software able to manage virtual AIS AtoN, based on existing AIS infrastructure
Example of radio coverage simulation
Thank you for your attention! Adrian Maizel – AFDJ RA Galati