A NALYZE THE P ROMPT (1-3 MINS.) Here’s why: 1. Once you know what is expected, you will read the passage(s) in a more directed manner. 2. Once you internalize the question, you will need to be sensitive to those details that will apply. 3. One you know all the facets that need to be addressed, you will be able to write a complete essay demonstrating adherence to the topic*. * Topic adherence, which means sticking to the question, is a key strategy for achieving a high score.
A NNOTATE THE FOLLOWING : In the following passage from the short story “The Dead,” James Joyce presents an insight into the character of Gabriel. Write a well-organized essay in which you discuss various aspects of Gabriel’s character that Joyce reveals to the reader and to Gabriel himself. Refer to techniques and devices such as imagery, point of view, motif, diction, and syntax.
C HECK YOUR ANNOTATIONS : In the following passage from the short story “The Dead,” James Joyce presents an insight into the character of Gabriel. Write a well-organized essay in which you discuss various aspects of Gabriel’s character that Joyce reveals to the reader and to Gabriel himself. Refer to techniques and devices such as imagery, point of view, motif, diction, and syntax. “Such as” is merely a suggestion; feel free to use your own ideas as long as they are “techniques” or “devices.” Also note that the prompt says “techniques”—plural!
R EADING AND N OTATING THE P ROSE P ASSAGE ( 5 MINS. ) Do one of the following: 1. Read the passage quickly, and then reread taking marginal notes and marking the passage OR 2. Take marginal notes and mark the passage as you read it slowly.
A FTER YOU HAVE ANNOTATED... Consult your annotations What categories pop out at you? These will be the basis for the development of the body of your essay. Review the prompt again. What were you asked to look for?
P REPARING TO WRITE BY ORGANIZING YOUR ANNOTATIONS (10 MINS.) Aspect of Character: SEEMS OBSESSED with “TIME” Words/Phrases from the Text: “a few moments”“no longer the face” “had had that romance”“an hour before” “girlish beauty”“soon be a shade” “no longer beautiful”“for a moment” “he thought of what she must have been then” Conclusion: Gabriel moves from the distant past to the near future. He becomes aware of the changes in the marital relationship with his wife and with his own passage.
O RGANIZING YOUR ANNOTATIONS ( CONT.) Technique: IMAGERY Words/Phrases from the Text: The title “The Dead”Gabriel’s very name “entered his soul”“braved death” “fallen down”“good night” “in the snow”“would soon be a shade” “dressed in black”“the blinds would be drawn” “crying and blowing her nose” Conclusion: These images foreshadow and emphasize that there is a coldness and a loss in relationships and self-image.
W RITING THE OPENING PARAGRAPH Include the author and title Make certain your topic is clear A suggested approach is to relate a direct quotation from the passage to the topic. Specifically mention the techniques to which you are referring Try to connect with the reader
F OUR SAMPLES In James Joyce’s “The Dead,” the character of Gabriel is revealed through diction, point of view, and imagery as he watches his wife sleep. Poor Gabriel! Who would have thought he knew so little about himself and his life, yet in “The Dead,” James Joyce, through diction, point of view, and imagery, makes it clear to the reader and to Gabriel that there is much to reveal about his character.
F OUR SAMPLES ( CONT.) “Yes, yes: that would happen very soon.” And yes, very soon the reader of the excerpt from James Joyce’s “The Dead” gets to know the character of Gabriel. Through diction, point of view, and imagery, we are introduced to Gabriel and what he thinks of himself. “The Dead.” How apt a title. James Joyce turns his reader into a fly on the wall as Gabriel is about to realize the many losses in his life. Death pervades the passage, from his sleeping wife to his dying aunt.
W RITING THE B ODY OF THE P ROSE P ASSAGE E SSAY (15-20 MINS.) Include the following: Your interpretation SPECIFIC references and details from the passage (quotations, complete with quotation marks) “Connective tissue” Repetition of key ideas from opening paragraph Effective transitions (however, therefore, additionally, further, etc…) Echo words (i.e. synonyms, such as death/loss/passing or character/persona/personality Leave time to proofread (2 mins.)
I N S UMMARY Highlight the prompt and understand all the required components (1-3 mins.) Annotate the passage (5 mins) and organize your thoughts (10 mins.) Write the essay (15-20 mins.) Create a strong opening paragraph Refer often to the passage Use concrete details/support/quotations to support your ideas ALWAYS stay on topic & AVOID plot summary Include transitions and echo words Allow time to proofread at the end (2 mins.) Total time: 40 minutes