Objective of this course : Immunology is the study of the body’s immune system & its function and disorders. Serology is the studdy of blood serum ( the clear fluids that separates when blood clots).
Immunology & serology laboratory focus on : Identifying antibodies ( proteins made by a type of WBCs in response to antigen, a foreign protein, in the body ). Investigating problems with the immune system such as Autoimmune diseases ( when the body’s immune system turns on its own tissues) as in Rheumatoid arthritis and Immunodeficiency disorders when a body’s immune system is underactive.
Course Outlines : 1. Application of Ag/Ab reaction : Agglutination Precipitation 2. ELISA (Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay) Direct ELISA ( Sandwich ) Indirect ELISA. Competitive ELISA. 3. RIA (RadioImmunoAssay) Hormones IRMA (Immuno Radiometric Assay) Allergy
Grades: Midterm exam ………………… marks Final exam ……………………… 30 marks Practical Final exam ……………. 20 marks Quizzes ……………………….…. 10 marks Reports + presentation ……….…. 10 marks